Chapter 27: Dance Night

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A/N: This chapter is dedicated to @StarLyla for preparing such a wonderful outfit for Allison's High school dance.. :)


I looked up at my reflection in the mirror. I didn't have any interest in going to the dance but my mother was insistent on sending me there. According to her these were my days of enjoyment and once they are gone they won't come back.

But it was difficult for me to put on the dancing shoes when unnatural forces are lurking around us.

"You look beautiful!" My mother said with a small smile, while entering the room.

I shook my head pressing my lips together in a straight line.

I really didn't want to go, especially because I was scared to leave my mother here on her own. Past days might not have given us visible cuts and scars but the nightmares or visions have worsened. We wakeup thrashing on our beds when one of us is jolted awake by the other one's screams.

"Don't! Okay? Just don't think about all of it. Enjoy the evening, sing, dance and do not let this fear overpower your senses. Tonight won't return to you, this is your first high school dance and it will be your last too. So enjoy with your friends so that you have good memories to look back to."
She said, putting her hands on each of my shoulders.

I understand that this day won't return to me as much as I would want it to. But something in this atmosphere was off. Something which was erking my nerves. I know the atmosphere where we were living wasn't a cheerful one but this feeling was frustrating me. Deep down my stomach was twisting fearing the unknown. I don't know why I was having this bad feeling that something terrible is going to happen and that is why I didn't want to leave home, I didn't want to leave the safe arms of my mother where I could hide.

No matter, I had to since my mother won't let me miss this party and my friends will make sure that I regret if I miss it.

"But I just don't want to leave you here on your own." I said almost whining.

"Shush, and turn around," she said while opening a small box which I didn't notice in her hand.

"What's this?" I asked.

But she didn't let me see it and forced me around. When I was facing the mirror again she placed a silver chain around my neck with small locket in it. I gasped at it beauty. I'm not fond of jewellery but, it was one of a kind. It had a moon stone placed at the centre and an intricate design with silver sorrounded it. It was like a cherry on top which matched my attire and silver heels perfectly.

I had let my hair loose in soft curls and put some makeup too

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I had let my hair loose in soft curls and put some makeup too.

"This is so beautiful! " I exclaimed, smiling widely.

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