Chapter 15: Improvising Possibilities

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A/N: This chapter is dedicated to @banda2013 . Thank you for all you support :D



Shower and sleep relieved me to a certain extent. I couldn't process everything which is going on around here. I kept thinking about ways to analyse them but couldn't get to any conclusions. It felt very uneasy around here. I used to think that these unusual activities are happening around this house but after today I realised that these happenings didn't limit to this house. The incident at Alec's house was a proof and it makes me very uncomfortable going back. And the devil who sits in our basements at this point of time doesn't really help me in anyway.

I tried to shove these thoughts away from my mind and started dressing up for the party. The dress which mom brought for me fits me perfectly. I am not a fan of jewellery or makeup. So I didn't bother with it. I stepped into the silver heels when my phone rang,


"Hey, it's Avery, where are you?"

"Hi! I'm just getting ready, actually almost ready, I'll be there in around half an hour or something" I told her.

"Okay, cool as soon as you get there inform me if we could bring Nina there" she said.


Before I could even put the phone back, it rang up again, but this time I didn't answer it. I didn't want to talk to him. I knew he will bring up what happened in this afternoon, and now it was getting really difficult for me to handle It. Returning to the mirror I started doing my hair. I didn't do anything just brushed it , took a few strands from both sides and back clipped it.

Finally I looked into the mirror and was satisfied by the way it reflected me.

Grabbing my phone and I went downstairs and saw my mother already waiting for me.

She sat on the couch and looked up when I walked over to her.

"Oh my god, Liss you look so beautiful! " she said getting up.

"I hope you're not joking, but thanks" I said.

We got into the car and drove towards Alec's place. Sitting there I wondered about that mysterious doll. This time i wasn't the only person who saw it, mum saw it too.

" Mom do you know about the previous owners of our house."

I don't know where that came from. Mom also looked very shocked by the sudden question. But I wanted to know this, I want this sorted, maybe all those horror/paranormal movies were true maybe that place was haunted because something bad happened in that house. It was becoming very difficult for me to handle whatever it was and I needed to know if it was that way. It was hard to believe about anonymous souls lingering around in your house, but that'll be something to go on about.

"Umm yes, I know.. A man used to live here. Mr. Martinez, if I'm correct , used to live here all by himself. By what I've been told he didn't stay here for a very long time though. He mostly used to be out of station for his work. But he did used to bring himself back here."

My mind was reeling, trying to put it all together.

He didn't stay here for a very long time.


The answer immediately came into my mind.

Maybe he also experienced those things. Maybe he also heard the voices, had nightmares, saw that crazy doll. What if he made the right decision to leave? What if those warnings were true? What if we should do the same or else it might be too late for us?

But my inner voice told me otherwise. It can't be that simple, or can it be? Not the the part of me being crazy but the part where I try to logically put things straight. Or it was just silly teenager's logic.

It has to be that, maybe I wasn't mad at all. And my mother seeing that doll with me today was a proof, a weak one but somewhat it was true. Wait,I'm not mad! Why am I even thinking that, just because someone said something it doesn't mean that I'm going to believe it.

But what about that doll? A grown up man isn't likely to keep a doll with himself.

"Why do you ask?" she asked pulling the car in front of Alec's house

" Nothing particular, that junk in the basement, it just popped up in my mind, especially that doll" I told her immediately moving out of the car so that she doesn't ask anymore questions. She must have sensed that and let it go, only temporarily.

"Call me when you want to get home. I'll come pick you up. Don't slouch, and straighten up, at least don't ruin the look tonight." she told me.

"Bye mom." I said shutting the car door. I saw her shaking her head and then she went away.

Author's note : I'm sorry for a late and a short chapter.

But I'll post the next chapter soon.

Thanks a lot for stopping by :)

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