chapter 4- knock

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I woke up with a headache that evening. I sat up and checked my phone for time. 


Why did I sleep for so long? I had so much homework from school to complete!

But then I thought about my dream.

Why did I dream the same thing?

I shook my head and forced the thought away. Then I got up from bed and headed towards the bathroom.

After washing my face, I went downstairs to the kitchen to help myself with some food.

As I entered the kitchen I found my mom already making some coffee.

"Hey, Liss. You've been sleeping for a long time," she said.

"I know, mom. You should've woken me up. I have piles of work from school. By the way, can I get some coffee please?" I asked.

"Oh, sure. Do you want anything to eat? I made some muffins." she replied.

"Mom, you are amazing." I said, hugging her.

I love muffins, especially when my mom makes them. Those are the ones to die for. She is such an amazing cook.

I moved to the other end of the kitchen to help myself with some muffins.

I had just bit into it when my mom asked me about school.

"It's good. I even made some friends. There's this girl, Avery, who was so kind enough to make me feel comfortable in the new school." I told her with my mouth full.

"That's good. At least you've learned how to make friends and talk to people." she said.

I rolled my eyes at her and continued eating.

"Mom, I miss Chloe. I even dreamed about her last night."

"Oh, honey. It's okay." she said as she came to hug me.

Chloe was my cat who died just a week ago. I loved her. The day When mom and I were preparing to move here was the day I found her dead on our porch.

"I'm going to my room. I've got lots of homework to do." I told her as I stood up.

"Are you sure you don't want to talk about the dream?" she asked me.

"No. It's fine." I answered her.

Mother is already burdened with everything else, I didn't want to burden her with something that stupid.

I walked upstairs to my room started with my work.

I was so engrossed in it that I didn't realize it was 11:00pm.

When my mom had called out for dinner I was not hungry so I told her that I'd eat late. After sometime there was a knock at the door.


The door of my room opened and my mom peered in. "Don't sleep before you have your dinner and don't be up for long okay?" She ordered.

"Yes, mother."  I agreed.

She left and I returned to my work. My eye lids felt heavy and then I decided to go off to sleep.

I checked the time on my phone; it showed 2:45am.

Before I could lay back down I heard a knock on my door.




There was a pause.


Knock. Knock.

It must be  mom I thought. "Mom, I'm going eat, okay? You just go sleep. Good night." I called out.

There was no response.

I got up and moved down the stairs and towards the kitchen. I quickly shoved some food into my mouth and grabbed some juice from the fridge and walked back to my room.

Whilst I stood in front of my door I thought I saw something move in my side vision. I looked, but there was nothing.

When I turned my head again, a stinking smell burned my nostrils. I covered my nose with my hand and looked around for it's source, but again there was nothing.

Ignoring it, I moved to my bed.

As soon as my head hit the pillow I heard knocking.













I quickly got out of bed and opened the door, only to find no one.

"Mom?" I called.

There was no response.

I moved towards my mother's bedroom to check.

She was fast asleep.

"Hello? Is someone there?" I called out.

My heart was beating rapidly but I was very exhausted and didn't try to see what or who it was. I calmed myself, walking back to the bedroom and falling asleep.

Author's note: so guys what do you think about this chapter was it allison's imagination or was it real..

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