chapter 17 : Answers

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From the past few days there hasn't been any unnatural occurrences but it doesn't mean that i am going to sit and wait for more things to happen.

So, I didn't wait. Since I couldn't involve anyone and I had to this alone as that was what I told alec at the party and telling my mother about it wasn't on the list, so, I started with the basement. Since I can't be down there looking for clues when my mother is home so whatever time I get after school and before she shows up from work, I go down in the basement.But There wasn't anything there. At Least not something which could give me a lead in all this. The doll was gone though.

I stretch out my arms and legs and drag myself out of bed. It was a very pleasant sunday morning. Specifically because it was sunday so it has to be good, no school and all I need to do is relax.

Or maybe not.

Only yesterday our school dropped a bomb on our heads that our exams are scheduled to start from the end of the next week.

I brushed my teeth and went downstairs. Downstairs was empty, Mom was nowhere so I went back upstairs to her room, she was asleep which was strange there hasn't been a single day when mom continues to sleep this late.

Leaving her there I went back to the kitchen to make some breakfast. By the time I was finished making some omelette and toast I heard light footsteps coming down. I settled the food onto the tray,

Mommy! a squeaky voice said almost as a whisper.

I carried the tray outside and placed it onto the dining table. The room was deserted and eerily quiet. My heart started to pick up pace.

"Mom?" I called out, but there was no response. I moved myself upstairs to my mothers room when I heard coughing. The closer I got to her room the clearer and louder that sound became. I opened the door to her room and fortunately or maybe unfortunately it was only my mother coughing.

"Hey, are you okay?" I asked sitting beside her and rubbing her back. she looked tired and unwell, I touched her forehead to check if there is any fever but there was none.

"Y-yes I'm fine " she said in a shaky voice.

"You sure?" I asked again. I wasn't sure that she was fine like she was saying.

"Yes " she said, while putting up a smile.

"I made you breakfast, you slept longer than usual" I said.

"Yeah" she said while looking at the clock.

As soon as We both finished our breakfast mom's phone started ringing.

"Hello " she said through the phone.

"Hi Laura, how are you?" She said.

I thought better to leave her while she was on the phone and started collecting the tray and the coffee mugs off of the bed when I heard her say,

"Um, I'm sorry truly but I can't come and most importantly I can't leave Allison all by herself."

I didn't know where she and her friend Laura were discussing to go but I definitely know that I can stay by myself I'm not a twelve year old kid who needs baby sitting plus I needed some time alone to sort a few things out. I need to find answers to some questions.

After sometime she put down her phone and went up to the bathroom.
Just then an idea popped into my mind.

I can't directly ask my mother Mr. Martinez's contact so I thought of swiping it out of her phone without telling. I know you shouldn't use anyone's phone without asking but she is my mother and I can't actually tell her about anything, she'll definitely freak out.

All I found about Mr. Martinez was his phone number, no emails or home address but it was something to start with.

I heard the bathroom door unlock and quickly put her phone at the same place where it was.

I stood up picked up the tray and went downstairs.

I secrectly wished for Mr. Martinez to be the answer to all my question.

Why did he leave this house?

What is wrong here?

Did he experience something here? Felt someone's presence? Something inhuman?

What does it want?

And most of all did he flee because he was warned or because he was made to ?

So many questions that needed answers.

I was cleaning the dishes when my mother joined me in the kitchen.

"Hey " I said.

"Hi " she replied smiling.

"Leave it, I'll finish this " she said moving forwards to take over.

"No. I can do this" I said slightly pushing her away.

"You can take a day off, from the household work "

"You don't need to do that okay? I can handle it"

"Mom, I am no more a child that needs to be taken care of. I am a seventeen year old girl, I can do this " I said, I didn't mean to say that but i just couldn't help it.

"Really? " she said raising her eyebrows.

I left the dished in the sink and exhaled.

"I can take care of myself mom, I heard you talking with your friend a while ago about going somewhere. You should go with your friends, enjoy atleast for once and for god's sake please stop worrying about me, I'll be fine. You know that I can take care of myself for somedays" I said calmly this time.

" I know you are a grown up now, but it doesn't mean that that I'll stop taking care of you. I am a mother and I can't help it, and you're still so young. I don't want to go on that trip anyway, it's a working trip so I'd rather stay here and work than go somewhere else to work."

"Still mom, you'll be with your workmates and you won't be working 24/7 you'll get some time to have fun, go and enjoy and I'll be fine here. " I said.

It's not as if I wanted her to go only because I needed to be alone but also because I wanted her to have fun I wanted her to go out with her friends and enjoy her life for atleast some days.

She has been so supportive with everything and without demanding anything from me, the least I could do is want her be happy and have fun.

She stood there for some time quietly staring at me. Then smiled and hugged me tightly.

"When did my little girl grow up so much. Fine I'll go or maybe think about it" she said.

I smiled and shook my head at her.


Author's Note:

I am truly sorry that i was unable to update for almost two months. I do hope that this chapter makes it up to you all.

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