Chapter 28: Emily

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Fear and jealousy coursed through my blood into the entire body. My heart thumping wildly inside my chest, as I grabbed my purse and all the important things into a bag and shuffled straight out of the room.

What those picture meant, I don't exactly know but what I do know is that, whatever has been happening around isn't really simple. This house house isn't haunted by those who died here. Maybe this house isn't even haunted on the first place. Maybe it's us, me who is haunted.

I remember the day when I asked David about the picture, it was when we were engaged and I visited him in his apartment.

I gasped when he hugged me from behind placing a sweet kiss on my shoulder.

I struggled in his hold, but didn't let me go his grip around my waist was like ice.

He let out a small chuckle and said,  " Stop struggling Karen I'm not letting you go, it's been a while since I've had you in my arms. Why did you have to go to meet your mother. I missed you so much."

"I missed you too!" I said smiling. I turned around within his arms to face him, tip toeing to to place a light kiss on his cheek.

"What did I do to earn such a beautiful creature like you?" He sighed.

"I don't know, but it mist have been something grand" I said seriously, and after a moment both of us burst out laughing.

I shook my head, and moved away from him. Suddenly my eyes landed on a photo frame kept on the side table the picture facing the wall. I scrunched up my forehead in confusion and walked towards it to see,

" why is it kept like that?" I asked David, picking it up.

It was a picture of a girl and David smiling at each other lovingly. I looked up to see David's head hanging low a sad expression washed over his face. I went to him ducked my head a bit so that I could see directly into his eyes, he realised what I wanted so he straightened up and stared at me.

After a few moments he shook his head, glancingaway from me he said, "That's Emily. " finally letting out a deep breath.

I waited for him to continue, I  wanted to know everything about this girl, everything about what he feels towards her.

"She was my girlfriend, more than a girlfriend actually. We loved each other so much. We were inseparable!"
He said a dreamy expression in his eyes.

"But when I got a chance to move to New york and start my own company there, everything broke. " He said , his voice strained, while taking a seat on the sofa.

He looked up at me then continued, " I was so happy and I asked her to come along with me, but she refused. She couldn't leave there, her mother was suffering from cancer so she couldn't leave her alone. She had to be there with her, so she tried to convince me to stay there with her and start my business there but I didn't. I refused her, I had to come to  New york, it was all I've been wanting to do."

"I didn't tell her that I was leaving we could still  talk to each other and definitely manage a long distance relationship. We understood each other completely.But somehow she  found out before I was to leave so she asked me If I loved my ambition,my work more than her. "

"I didn't answer her. I couldn't! I couldn't leave that chance, so I left her instead." He finished.

"After that day, I never saw her. I tried calling her but she refused to talk to me. And finally  there was no  way I could contact her." A small tear rolled down his cheek and sank to my knees on the floor in front him and wiped it away.

"I'm sorry, I should've told you before." He said apologising.

"You didn't have to. We all have a past and past shouldn't be merged into  the future otherwise our lives will turn into a mess, which we won't be able to handle." I told him.

I didn't say it to make him feel better, I strongly believe that. What's the point of me being jealous or hate someone who didn't do anything wrong. And most importantly I was glad that he didn't try to hide the truth from me. That's how it should be. The more lie the more you get stuck between the web of your own lies and then finally you won't be able to escape from it.

I smiled politely at him and handed the picture frame to him.

"I'll get rid of it," He said getting up but I grabbed his hand,

"You don't have to, if you want to keep it with you, you can. I won't mind." I said giving a small smile.

Those memories swivelled away with a loud bang on door of my room. I
I jumped a shiver running down my spine. I clutched the bag and sprinted towards it, just as I was about to get out of my room it slammed shut on my face. I immediately shifted backwards in a reflex.

My heart drummed loudly, adding to the tension. I tried to twist the door knob with my shivering hands but i wouldn't move even the slightest bit. Suddenly the lights started going in and out and I stumbled backwards praying for my life.

I felt my whole world crashing down on me. It was so much  better not knowing what this is. Suddenly the temperature around me dropped and the windows crashed forcing  the glass splinters into the room with a raging wind.

I gasped when some of it struck my arm. I examined them instinctively,  there wasn't much but droplets of blood oozed out of the fresh wounds. I tried to pull  out the glass pieces from my arm but something caught my attention in front of me.

My eyes widened and a cry of fear escaped my quivering lips.

There she was standing in front of me. It was the first time that I was facing her, Emily.

She was nothing but a puff of silvery smoke, staring at me from the dark hollow sockets with an expression of pure hatred.

I walked backwards until my back hit the wall. I looked around in an attempt to find an escape but failed miserably.

Hot tears found their way down my cheeks when suddenly, Emily started towards me. With each small step her figure blurred a little and each little pause it grew more solid.

I shivered in fear. And turned around to push the door open but nothing happened.

I turned around and sreamed at her, " what do you want from me?"

And just as I said it her smoky figure struck me with high velocity and I was falling deep, in a world of darkness.

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