Chapter 20: Little drops of red

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I was very thrilled to find that picture, Scared too because of that plastic doll.

I lay on my bed wondering what to do next . Luckily, I didn't have any nightmares last night. But, there were somethings which I was positive about. One, that I'm not crazy and second that supernatural entities exist.

Most definitely, telling mom about this wasn't on the the list earlier, but this is something beyond my capabilities to handle, one day or another my mother will find out or maybe, she'll find me dead on our porch instead of chloe (my cat, whom we found dead while we were leaving to be here).

But what are we supposed to do to stop this? Maybe, ask a priest for help? Psychiatrist didn't remain as an option, thanks to that picture.

It's two days for mom to return from her trip. I'll have to wait and then tell her about everything.

I rolled out of my bed and walked into the bathroom. After taking a shower, I dressed up for school.

I Descended the stairs and went to the kitchen to grab some breakfast. I made myself some green tea and a sandwich. I quickly chomped down the sandwich and sat there sipping on my tea when my phone started ringing.

I scoot myself over to the sofa where my phone lay. I picked it up to see Alec calling, putting it on silent mode I let it ring.

Why can't he just let it go? I'm trying so hard to maintain my distance from him, but he doesn't want to understand the fact that I'm ignoring him, that I don't want to talk to him, that I don't want his sympathy.

After a few minutes the lights of my phone's screen flickered again. This time it was only my mother. I finished talking to my worried for no reason mother then stalked towards the kitchen sipping my tea.

I raised the cup again to my lips but was stopped when sometthing dropped into the cup. Something red. I stopped to look into my cup to see that red liquid spreading and dissolved throughout the tea, finally disappearing completely. I stood there disgusted when the another drop fell into the tea cup.

I looked over at the ceiling or anywhere above from where it fell, to find a big red blotch on the ceiling exactly above me, the red fluid seeping through.

My eyes grew wide and a gasp escaped my lips. The cup slid away from my grip and crashed onto the floor spilling the remaining tea on the floor and my feet and at the same time another drop fell on my cheek, I instinctively wiped away that and looked at my hand. That red fluid almost looked like blood.

My heart rate quickened. I tightly clutched my phone within my hand and darted towards the front door. This time luckily, I didn't stop or freeze. My body and mind continued working in synchronisation. Tears brimmed in my eyes making it difficult for me to look properly, I flung the door open and ran outside.

I wanted to run far away from here as much as possible. I want a normal life and a normal death.

I ran out of the house but bumped into sonething. I blinked and looked up to see a pair of worried looking eyes staring down at me.

" what happened?" Alec says.

Tears which I had kept from flowing down now escaped my eyes, without thinking I flung my arms around him sobbing.

Why is it always him I cry infront of..

As much as I wanted to go away my legs didn't have any strength. They gave up weakening my knees and I slumped to the ground. Alec held me carefully crouching beside on the ground.

"Allison, please talk to me" He said.

Those words made me cry harder, I wanted so much to tell him everything. But I was scared, and I also knew that he won't be able to help me in anyway. I clung onto him gripping his shirt within one of my fist.

I don't how much time had passed with me crying like that. Alec's hand moved up and down rubbing my back in an attempt to soothe me.

"I-It nev-never stops." I said in between hiccups.

I tried so hard to stop those awful tears but they didn't.

Alec let go of me and cupped my face in both of his hands and tilted my face upwards wiping away the tears with his thumb, but fresh tears soon took their place.

"You can talk to me about it. I don't know if I'll be of any help but it'll atleast make you feel better. And please understand this that I'll always be there whenever you need me no matter what." He said sincerely.

"Always?" I asked. I don't know why I asked that, but somewhere inside I really, desperately wanted to know the answer to that.

"Always, I promise." He agreed.

"Now are you going to tell me what happened?" He asked.

I told him everything, again. I couldn't stop myself from telling him everything, he already knew a part of it so I told him this too. My brain kept on warning me not to tell him but my heart said otherwise. I can't actually figure out why I told him this even after he didn't believe me the last time, but I surprisingly felt a lot better after I did. It felt like a massive weight lifting off of my chest, I felt relieved to certain extent.

"Come on, let's get you inside" He said helping me stand up.

"NO" I said, getting away from him.

"Please, I don't want to go in there." I said.

"Allison, I'll be there with you. I promise you, I won't let anything happen to you." He said reaching out to me.

I let him hold my hand and guide me towards that sinful house. I could feel him glancing at me, but I ignored.

We stopped before the front door. He looked at me once again and opened the door. I clutched his hand, my heart thrumming against my rib cage.

"Will you show me where it is?" He said.

I didn't say anything instead I pointed it to him. We walked over to where I ran from. The tea cup lay broken on the floor. I clasped my hand over my mouth when I looked up, Terror siezed me , my stomach twisted and a chill ran down my spine.


I gulped and said,

"I-I swear it was there. I wasn't imagining it." I said pointing towards the clean white ceiling.

Author's Note: Helloo guys :D
I really hope that it was upto your expectations.. if not mention it in the comments section. Please excuse me for any kind of mistake that I made. Please do not hesitate to point it out to me since I believe that there's always room for improvement.

These past few days I noticed alot of new readers supporting this story, Thank you so much.. :D
And of course all my other readers you know that you're fabulous don't you? ;) :*

We're now #44 in Horror..!! Isn't that amazing?? :p

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