God Fights for Us

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God Fights for Us

When we are under spiritual warfare we should know our hiding place. Our refuge, rock, redeemer and strength is God. We should build this lifestyle of crying out to God the moment trouble comes.

We have many places we can seek comfort, hope and rest in. For some it's people, we find comfort, hope and trust in other human beings but those sources are unreliable. People can change, they don't always have all the answers and they are limited. Some of us seek refuge in food for comfort and support but food can only take us so far before leaving us empty again. Some of us find comfort and peace in movies, videos and music but the peace they give aren't reliable either as they can temporary give us rest but won't give us true protection.

God is above all of these things. God is our refuge and peace. When trouble comes, confusion arises, uncertainty sinks in and anxiety pops up. We shouldn't run to animate objects and people, yes they can help us but they aren't what we should run to. When we run we should run to God.

I had many dreams where I would be in trouble, basically under attack and I would call for people. I would call for my parents, siblings, friends etc but in these dreams, none of them would come and help me. What I noticed is in other dreams had when I called on God, was something supernatural would occur and I was immediately saved.

This taught me that our first call shouldn't be on man or things but God. Whenever I would call on God, what seemed impossible for me to do I would now be able to do it. Those who chased me, now I began to chase them. I felt strengthened, encouraged and comforted but with people, you won't always feel heard. People can unknowingly disappoint you. People are there to point you back to Christ not themselves. To point you back to the Lord of lords but they aren't your Lord. They are vessels for God to show you His desires, will and word but if we mistake the support of others and now make them gods of our lives then we are making a great error.

In Psalm 50:15 it says we should call upon God in the day of trouble and He WILL deliver us. We should call UPON God and be able to call upon God ties to Hebrews 11:6. We need to believe first that God exists, second that He is a rewarder for those who seek Him. The reward is God and in God, we have everything we ever need. If you seek God, know He exists we should trust that our Great reward which is God almighty will deliver us. As our reward is is our strength, so when you feel weak call upon Him.

As our reward, He is our refuge. So when you feel scared and attacked. Call upon Him.

As our reward, He is our comfort and peace. So when you're in pain, weary and feel you had enough. Call upon Him!

And why does He promise? He promises deliverance because in Him we are free. Free from the chains, free from what can hold us down and way our hearts to the ground. We are free and free indeed.

In God, those attacks, those discouragements and that sin can't hold unto you because when you're IN God's presence, the chains and strongholds of the kingdom of darkness begin to shatter and break. They are destroyed because in God's presence the is no darkness and all darkness has to flee, the ray of God's light is too bright, there are no shadows.

In Psalm 60:11-12
David had this prayer during a time when he felt God rejected Israel. His prayer was that God would help him against his enemies but he also recognized something. When they went out for war, they lost. When they fought, they weren't successful. Thought they had soldiers and chariots they lost.

What did David learn?

David learned that vain is the salvation of man. Vain is the money we have when the enemy attacks us with sickness. Vain is when we have beauty yet the enemy is delaying the promises God personally gave you to marry one day. Vain is when we work but the enemy fights to stop us from advancing. Vain is when we have an education but the enemy is combating us being able to have work.

Not everything is the enemies attacks. Some things are not but it takes revelation to realise that sometimes it is the kingdom of darkness attacking us and we have an enemy who is attacking every promise God has for us. Attacking every desire God wants to take place in our lives. There are moments we know it's our foolishness that caused issues and there are cases when where we have to step back and say no, the enemy is declaring war so I'll fight back!

Verse 12, David ends by saying that with God they'll do well. With God, every desire God has placed in your heart will take place. With God what seems impossible. That child that seems will never come and you wonder how can you, a barren woman to carry children can be exactly what will happen. With God, though you feel your mind being attacked will soon find rest. With God when your studies seem under attack and it seems like all odds are against you you'll succeed. With God when sickness and disease keep coming your way and that illness seems like it will never go, it can because we have a healer. With God all thongs are possible and He will tread down our enemies.

With revelation, if you know something seems off and that the enemy is the one attacking SOMETHING God has for you or attacking an area of your life. Don't keep quiet or be passive sis, it's time to go to your refuge. Go to your father. Go to your God and pray before Him today.

God I, grant me help against my enemies. Grant me help against my enemies. I take refuge in you. Grant me help. Grant me help

And let the prayer continue with your own personal plead towards God. Right-back, fight back, use the word of God, use God's revelation and fight against the enemy.


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