Lead Us Not Into Temptation And Deliver Us

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4 And forgive us our sins,
For we also forgive everyone who is indebted to us.
And do not lead us into temptation,
But deliver us from the evil one.”

And lead us not into temptation.

Always pray not to fall into temptation. So many of us backslide, lose our fire for God and go back to the world because we haven't been watchful and prayerful. Jesus added this part for a reason. Where there is an enemy actively seeking for us to fall into temptation so we are actively praying and interceding that we don't.

We don't know all the enemy has planned perhaps he'll try to bring people into your life that can be a negative influence, perhaps he'll whisper lies into your mind when you face deep waters, perhaps you'll begin to fall back into bad habits and ways, perhaps you're faith might start becoming shaky due to circumstances and perhaps he'll attack your mind, family and call. Maybe he'll try to bring fear, anxiety and condemnation.

We don't know what tomorrow the enemy has planned. We don't know that once we meet that person our lives will change but not for the better. We don't know if there is a potential distraction or obstacle that can soon discourage our faith.

So what do we do?

We pray for God not to lead us into temptation but help us remain in His will and way. We pray to continue to resist the devil, flee from temptation, not easily fall into sin, that He helps us to continue to seek Him, that He helps us to remain on fire for Him and that He helps us prioritise Him.

These are daily prayers! This is a part often neglected but Jesus included this part. We are to pray not to fall into temptation. We are to pray to remain alert and awake. We are to resist the devil and flee from temptation.

We are to wear the full armour of God and use God's word which is our sword (Ephesians 6:10-17). We are to remain abiding in Christ (John 15:4) and we are to seek God's kingdom first (Matthew 6:33). We are to also work to resist the devil by submitting oursleves to God, refusing the enemies attack and remaining steadfast in prayer (James 4:7, 1 Thessalonians 5:17, Matthew 26:41). We are to remain vigilant and wise.

We don't know but we can all have our Bathsheba days just like David had. Days when we can be tempted to listen to our flesh and move in disobedience, leading to a double life, disobedience, further sin and more. We don't know what we might see or experience that can seek to bring us further from God but when we make that daily intercession we can trust God will help us, empower us with the help of the Holy Spirit to have discernment, wisdom, self-control, patience etc so we don't fall outside of God's will.

So I encourage you to add this as a daily prayer. This is something I personally pray every morning after I've woken up. I pray God helps me not to fall into sin, helps me to continue to resist the devil and remain in His will. This daily prayer, I believe in my heart has empowered me to continue to seek after God day by day. Praying for renewed strength, for a fire for Him and for Him to help me seek Him first.

I want you all to do the same. I challenge you after reading this, go before God and ask Him to help you. Commit set an alarm even to wake up earlier, before you go with the rush of the morning, set an alarm to pray before you would normally wake up, pray by first thanking God for the breath of life, worship, and include your intercession for yourself for that day. If you know sin can feel as though it is a stronghold over you, pray for the grace not to fall into it. If you can be easily worried and anxious pray for peace throughout your day but pray for yourself always.
Pray to remain faithful and alert everyday. Pray to not fall into temptation.

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
16 Rejoice always, 17 pray without ceasing, 18 give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.

James 4:7
7 Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.

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