Intimacy Produces Fruit

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Intimacy Produces Fruit

John 15:4
4 Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in me.

Abiding speaks of a relationship. It speaks of intimacy. It speaks of communion. We are called to have a relationship with God not just religion.

When you're in a relationship with somebody you start gaining some of that person's characteristics. Those who hang out together for a long time start acting, thinking and behaving like each other. They can take each others good traits but also bad ones.

The more we spend time with God in prayer, reading the word, worship etc, the more of His character we will start to reflect. It is like staying in a room filled with smoke. The longer you stay the more you'll smell like smoke.

If you notice within yourself some character traits and behaviours that you wish would change then I want to encourage you to spend time with God. Abide in Him. Create a daily prayer time where you'll meditate on the word.

If you want to become a woman of God who is humble, kind, patient, etc, then know that these characteristics are of the Holy Spirit and to get them from the Holy Spirit you need to spend time with Him.

He lives in you and He is a living person who is there to help you if you'll let Him.

To abide in God

1) Seperate from what prevents you from spending time with God.

Put away things that cause you to stumble. Jesus revealed how important it is to cut off bad environments and anything that pushes you further from God. Separate from friends who push you further from God. Seperate from music, flims and books that draw you further from Him.

I suggest you read this verse (then the whole chapter for context) (Mark 9:43-48)

2) Choose to live right and honour God with Your life.

Choose to live bad lifestyle but rather live to glorify Jesus

3) Spend time in prayer and reading the word

Create a time and make it a priority to read the bible and pray every day. Make it your daily routine to talk to God and to learn more about Him and what He has to say through His word.  You can also add spiritual disciplines like fasting (social media, food etc.) which help you disconnect to things that please your flesh to focus on God more.

4) Make daily efforts to remain connected to God

Listen to worship music, listen to Christian podcasts, go to church, serve at your church, go to bible studies, and spend time talking to Christian friends.

All these efforts will help you remain connected to God


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