Exodus 1:11-13

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Exodus 1:11-13
11 Therefore they set taskmasters over them to afflict them with their burdens. And they built for Pharaoh supply cities, Pithom and Raamses. 12 But the more they afflicted them, the more they multiplied and grew. And they were in dread of the children of Israel. 13 So the Egyptians made the children of Israel serve with rigor.

The afflictions and attacks of the enemy, won't destroy us but instead the more they increase their attacks the more we will grow in maturity and wisdom.

The enemy's goal is always to kill, steal, and destroy according to John 10:10. His aim through attacks and trials is to make us lose our faith in God and give up.

The pharaoh was increasingly becoming alarmed with the growth of the Israelites. They were growing stronger every year. The enemy wanted them to decrease.

This shows how in your Christian life whenever we start growing impacting the lives of others as lights, it threatens the enemy so he increases the attacks.

1) He increases his resistance and attacks.

The enemy doesn't just simply watch and enjoy us growing. When we receive Jesus we are automatically victims of the attacks of the enemy but when we grow out of just being saved to growing, we are maturing. The enemy increases his attacks to discourage our growth.

It's like what he did with Jesus and Moses. When they were finally born the enemy began to attack them through people to kill them off. It's easier to destroy something when it's still fresh and new because it's vulnerable, and lacks maturity, and strength. Pharaoh saw their growth and wanted to decrease them before they grew.

He wanted to destroy them before they grew to fight against them. He saw where the Israelites were heading and how they were growing. He saw that they were developing and could potentially be a danger to them.

The enemy sees the potential in us that we often may miss. He knows that there is more to us than the natural eye may see. That is because he sees the spiritual and natural at the same time. If we could gain insight through revelation and God opens our eyes we will be in awe of the works God is doing behind these scenes.

The enemy tries to stop the vision from being accomplished.

2) The enemy fights so God's vision for your life never fails to pass.

He sees that we bear the image of God. We are a threat to the kingdom of darkness. A threat they want to get rid of at all costs. That is why I urge all of you to think that the reason why the enemy is attacking you so much is because he sees and envisions what you could become.

He sees the potential. Yes, you're still young, maybe even at the beginning of your faith but your active decision to seek God is what bothers him. That heart that seeks God belongs to someone will be used to do mighty things.

So the pressure, work, and pain we experience are because the enemy wants you to give up, abandon God, and ultimately be destroyed. Don't fall into this trap because God also delivers.

3) God will deliver you at the right time.

Trials and problems can feel like forever and never-ending. The truth is in this lifetime will be tribulations (John 16:33). You have seasons where everything doesn't go as planned or unexpected crises but it's all to grow you. Yes, the enemy can bring them but in the boundaries of God's ultimate protection.

God will deliver you from the enemy. The Bible says that the Lord remembered His covenant and delivered them (Exodus 6:5).

God doesn't forget despite our mess. He remembers us and has a way out. Just like in Romans 8:28. The bible reveals that God has a way of making His visions fulfilled despite the attacks of the enemy. That's because attacks grow us and help us get there by refining our character and molding us into who He has called us to be.

God takes the enemy's strategy to bring us down to be what helps us become who we need to be for our destinies.


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