In Awe

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Tonight as I looked at the clear, star-filled sky, I saw two things that struck something inside of me that made me speechless: NASA's Falcon 9 SpaceX rocket that was launched earlier today, and a shooting star!

I'm not sure about all of you, but I've never seen a shooting star before, much less a rocket! The strangest part of it all was this: My sister and I stood staring at Falcon 9, and she said, "Now, all I want to see is a shooting star." Right after that, a shooting star passed right above us.

Cool, right? Enough to leave you speechless? In complete awe (wonder) of what you've just witnessed?

So is God's love, power, merciful nature, grace, etc.!

Psalm 33:8 says, "Let all the earth fear the Lord; let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of him!" (ESV)

God loved you and me so much that he sent his only son to die.

I know we hear that a lot, but the truth can't be worn out! Could you do what God did in giving up your only child to die, or to do what Christ did as the weight of the world was placed on his shoulders?

No? Me either!

God's love and mercy stretch so far beyond human comprehension. He looked at a group of sinners, people undeserving of salvation, and sent a savior anyway because he loves us. Could you imagine giving up your only son so that through him, a world full of people who hate you have the chance to be saved? I sure can't.

For these reasons, it is absolutely necessary to be in awe of God! What love could be so great that the perfect man would die so that you and I, no more than sinners, could be saved? It would take more than a millenia to grasp the full scope of God's love and wonders.

I'm still not quite sure why God loves the way that he does, as deeply as he does, and why he is as merciful to me. Why I, a person who has known nothing but sin for their entire life, has the opportunity to be saved. But I am sure of one thing: I'm thankful for the gift of salvation, and you should be too!

Be in awe of God- more so than you would be over a rocket and a shooting star.

God bless you!

N.B. Niar

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