Psalm 119:67-68 and 71

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Psalm 119:67-68
67 Before I was afflicted I went astray,
But now I keep Your word.
68 You are good, and do good;
Teach me Your statutes.

The bible says how before he was afflicted, he struggled to stay in God's word. Before we face trials, we lack the perseverance, character, and endurance trials produce (Romans 5:3-5). When we see issues, we keep God's word because the need for His word becomes real. We need a breakthrough, we need a comforter, we need a change, etc. We keep God's word in our hearts because the affliction has brought us to search God for our deepest needs.

Psalm 119:71
71 It is good for me that I have been afflicted,
That I may learn Your statutes.

The trials teach us who God is. The anchor during a storm, your peace during chaos, your stability in messy times, the healer when you're sick our shield, during times of spiritual warfare we learn God to be our warrior and defense. It's the trials that reveal God's character. Though trials are painful, I want to ask yourself, what have you learned about God through your trials? Who has God revealed Himself to be to you?

Comment and share this experience, and thank God. Thank Him for the knowledge You've gained through this time and what it has done to you to keep His word.


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