In Our Relationship With God

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Our relationship with God

1) Is a Father-child relationship

When Jesus taught His disciples how to pray He told them to say "our father" (Luke 11:2) to show that we are His children. We go before God with the knowledge that He is our Father and we are His children. We belong to Him. We are a part of His great family and under His care and lead. Knowing our relationship with God is one of family helps us remember He isn't some stranger or voice in the sky but our precious Father.

2) One of Reverance and Obedience

Our relationship with God isn't just a Father-son relationship but also one of obedience and reverence. Jesus revealed that if we love Him we should obey His commandments (John 14:15). Jesus tells us that if we want to follow Him, we have to pick up our cross (Matthew 16:24). In this relationship, we must walk in righteousness, set apart and different. God doesn't just build a relationship with anyone but we walk with Him and to walk with Him requires obedience to His leading and Spirit.

3) Growth

Your relationship with God is meant to grow and develop. When you first meet someone it's mainly surface level. All you know is how they look and maybe not a few facts on who they are. Eventually, after spending time with each other you'll grow and learn more about each other. Best friends before they were best friends were just strangers that eventually after time grew such a strong bond that they know almost everything about each other.

That kind of relationship is much more difficult to break compared to years ago. You'll have a stronger bond than those you only know the names of. You can share deeper things about each other that common strangers wouldn't know.

Your relationship with God is one of growth so examine your relationship with God to see if there has been any growth. Have you grown? Have you grown in discerning His voice? Can you discern His presence? Do you know more about God? We must ask each other these questions so we can slow down and know that our relationship with God keeps getting stronger and better. It will never stop growing because there will never be a time when you get to know God enough.

The beauty of a relationship with God is that He already knows you but still loves it when you speak to Him and share your desires, wants, needs, etc. He is fully engaged and can reveal to you things about yourself that you don't even know or realize.

4) Commitment and Consistency

Our relationship with God is one we stick to. God wants us to be faithful to Him as God alone.

The Bible reveals how God doesn't like the lukewarm (Revelation 3:16). To be a lukewarm Christian means that you are someone who lives in compromise. You say you are Christian yet do things that contradict the word of God. So you go to church and worship God but also gossip and insult people. That is contradictory and doesn't show a commitment.

God told Solomon if he would continue in the ways of David that God would exalt him (2 Chronicles 7). He often urged the Israelites to continue to obey and follow Him.

We remain walking with God fully and consistently. Despite how we feel and despite circumstances, we remain faithful, praying, always seeking and prioritizing Him no matter the circumstance.

A powerful thing God said was that one day He'll tell us "well done good and faithful servant" (Matthew 25:21). God wants us to be faithful so we can receive our reward.

The apostle Paul told us that we should continue to run the race of faith (Hebrews 12:1). We shouldn't let anything separate us from God but we should continue to pursue God. The fight against the enemy is the fight against our faith but we shouldn't lose heart.

Your relationship with God will be filled with times when you may feel like questioning God. You may feel like giving up. You may feel like backing down. You may want to go back to the world.

But sis, I urge you not to. In the world, there is nothing to find that is worth it. Staying faithful to God will never be a regret. Choosing to love God and walk with Him is a blessing.

No matter how difficult it is, know your relationship with God will be fought. Yes, you have someone who deeply desires for you to break up with God but if you can push on, overcome the hurdles, and keep going anyway you'll see how worth it it'll be to be before God.

I challenge you today to sit and close your eyes. Take some time to do this and imagine your life, troubles, and everything bad with the world then imagine meeting your Saviour in Heaven, seeing His presence and all those wicked things completely gone. No more sin, no more sickness. No more sin. No more pain. Total freedom.

Think about these verses

Mark 8:36
36 For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and forfeit his soul?

Revelation 21:4
4 He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away.”


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