03: Throne of judgement

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"And did you see it?! Did you see the look on Poseidon's face when I downright wrecked his shield?!" The second the doors to the castle opened, you walked in with a victory jump, sword swinging about your fingers. "With that smug look on his face, I thought his shield would be one of the stronger ones I'd have to face but turns out, he wasn't much of a challenge. But do you know who's a real challenge? Zeus's. And boy can that man fight!" You exclaimed with excitement. "But I guess that's expected from a shield of the Gods of all Gods but did you see how I knocked the halberd out of his hand? I was so cool! But if it wasn't for the—"

"Yes, Y/N, we saw everything you've mentioned because we were there. Now can you shut up already?"

The look on Yoongi's face isn't amusement nor of a Lord that was proud of his subject but you guessed that was expected. After all, you've been bragging on and on about the battle ever since you all left Olympus.

Still, you say, "Just let me have my moment, will you?"

He gives you a stern gaze. "You are speaking to a Lord of the Underworld."

"Yes, and I am his shield, the one who single handedly man slaughtered the heck outta those other useless shields. Yay!"

There wasn't any way to calm you down at this point but they guessed they'll let you have your moment since you did prove even more of your worth to them. If you hadn't been capable of so much, perhaps they would have definitely kicked you out of position already but because you were more worthy than anyone else, they knew they'd never want to lose such a gifted soldier.

"Take your rest, shield," Namjoon tells you as he begins walking down the hall towards his chamber.

"You've done enough for the day," Seokjin agrees, following both Yoongi and Namjoon.

"Good job," Taehyung smiles at you with a light ruffle on your head before he walks off.

You smile back but narrow your gaze at the remaining three. "I'm gonna do a little more training while you rest, so—"

"Um, no," Hoseok decides immediately. "You are the one who needs resting, not us."

"That is very generous of you, milords, but I can't sit down after that epic battle and I gotta say, it was probably the most rewarding after slaying that Hydra head and becoming your shield."

Yet Jimin rolls his eyes. "And what of your wounds?"

"What wounds?" You shrug it off but Jungkook grabs ahold of your shoulder tightly, leaving you to instantly wince at the aching pain that was quick to rush down your body.

"Those wounds," he deadpans.

You frown at his words and flick his hand away. "I'll take care of it later."

"No, you'll take care of it now," Hoseok orders and before you can protest, he calls for his attendants. "Clean and dress her wounds and make sure she does not pick up her sword for the remainder of the day."

Your mouth gapes. "But-"

"If you wish to remain our shield, dear Y/N, I suggest being in a stable and healthy condition before you die sooner than you wish. The Underworld is the cruelest place to die, foolish one. Once you die, you come here, but if you die in here, your soul will cease to exist forever."




"Not too talkative now, huh?"

You pout at Yoongi's words but decide not to retort at him. "I may have gone a little too far accepting all those challenges yesterday."

"You think?" Seokjin rolls his eyes.

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