Epilogue .01

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Yoongi is so beautiful especially when he lays in bed, vulnerable to all, letting his guard down.

You trace the outline of his face, his brows, his eyes, his nose, and his lips. The two of you are the only ones remaining in the room, having yet to wake and get ready for the day. You don't know where the rest of your Lords are but the only one occupying your thoughts at the moment is Yoongi.

He's beautiful.

You cup his face in your small palms, bopping his nose once then lean up to place two little pecks on his sweet lips.

He feels it, you know he does.

Because a second later, he groans in his sleep. "I love you too but I'm trying to sleep, little one," he says, voice groggy and deep. He knows it's you and you shrink back a little, afraid of upsetting him.

"Sorry," you squeak.

He says no words but doesn't move away from you, falling back into the world of dreams. You stay resting by his side, eyes never straying away. He's so gorgeous, so mesmerizing.

Instinctively, as if he is some sort of precious jewel and you have fallen into a spell, you tilt your head slightly, retracing his features again. Yoongi says no words but moves a little so you wrap your arms around his torso as if afraid he would turn away from you and he lets you, though still half asleep, adjust yourself on top of him as he now lays on his back.

You giggle a little, wiggling your body as you move up to place more soft kisses against his jawline.

Yoongi sighs and though it sounds like he's tired of you, you know he is anything but upset you've woken him up. "What is this? Why are you doing this to me?"

His voice is so deep, so soothing and alluring. "Simple," you grin. "I am a Goddess loving my Lord."

"Finally gathering the courage to do such things? Why must you do it when the sky has just awaken? You are too much," he says but the way his hand wraps tightly around you tells you he loves it anyways.

"You cannot blame me. I had to spend three months watching my lovers loving another," you mumble through a pout.

He says nothing in response but an eye peeks open just slightly before your face allows him to frown and he flips you back onto the large bed with him now hovering over you. You cannot say another word as his lips claim yours just a split second later.

It is filled with passion, a fiercely blazing fire burning his heart. He has such an urgency to taste you, desperate for your lips, and when you let out a little moan, there is a small smirk that tugs at the corner of his lips.

But when he lets you go, his gaze is intense and sincere as he holds your face, a slight frown resting on his face. "Then we will spend the rest of our life reminding you that you are ours and we are yours." He leans in again for a little peck. "You are the Queen of the Underworld now, no one, not even Zeus himself can tear our love apart."

"Yes, I-I know." Your brows are still furrowed and he doesn't like it. "But Miran—"

"Shh, my love." Yoongi leans in again. A longer kiss. "Do not speak of another name that does not belong to any of your Lords, especially when you lay here, in my arms, in our bed."

Your cheeks flushes. He's too forward, his lips are too tempting but you are determined to get your point across. "It's just—"

He claims your lips again, refusing to let you go on. It is a kiss that leaves you wanting more and although you try hard not to forget what you want to say, Yoongi leaves you to remember nothing but his name alone.

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