31: 42 seconds

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Time is getting closer and closer and the world starts to fall apart. Not in place, in the way you hope for it.

"I don't want Y/N to be your bodyguard anymore." You never thought such venom can ever come out from someone you thought was entirely pure and soft. She's angry and you already know the reasons. "It would be fine if she just did her job in the way she is supposed to but all she does is grab your attention away from me and you let her."


"Please, please fire her."

She's begging innocently, crying as if she is the victim. But today is your death day and you cannot allow her to win.

"I thought you love me, don't you care about how I feel when ladies gets close to you?"

"Y/N isn't like that," Taehyung tries to say but she shakes her head.

"Y/N likes you all, I know she does."


They all turn around at the sound of your voice and you can see Miran glaring right at you. Her tears are filled with anger but you don't care.

"It isn't a matter of liking, of crushes and whatnot. It is the act of loving."

It's their eyes that widens that catches your attention. You don't see any signs of letting go and you hope it is enough. Just enough for you to succeed.

"I love you," you say and it angers Miran more but you keep going. "The only reason why I saved Miran twice rather than letting her get out of the picture is because I know you won't love me back if that were to happen. Yes, I did what you told me to do, protected her because you asked of me, but you know that it isn't just Miran I will die for. Whatever happens in this life, whether I fall into danger for protecting others or not, I will forever protect the seven of you until death takes me away. I've given my vow unto you once and I will never break that promise, even if you don't remember who I am."

Their eyes stares at you with confusion and it pains them to see tears falling from your eyes.


The time on your wrist reads and you a little more.

You hope it is enough.

The black mask that's hidden your face for three whole months falls down and the world slowly falls away as you stare back at them with a naked face.

Miran doesn't like how they react, the way they seem to draw into you instead.

"Are you serious?" She says and when they don't say a thing, she stomps away, leaving the seven of them conflicted on whether to run after her or stay with you.

You see how their feet points away from you, bodies about to run to Miran and your heart aches.

You know what it means.

So you speed off before they can, where Miran rushes towards the street.


It isn't your name Namjoon calls. It's Miran, even as you stand on your hurting legs and push the girl out of the way so that the car collides with your body instead of hers.

Even though it is you who lays in a pool of blood, a bed of shattered glasses.

42 seconds.

You are dying and that is the only time when they run to your side instead of Miran's.

It's another sacrifice you've made for her, another pain. But this time you know it isn't just an injury, it is your death.

"Y/N, no, please..."

Their voices begins to become deaf to your ears. You can't hear the calls of your name anymore. But you know they are crying and you hope that...that it will be enough.

Just enough.

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