10: I choose you

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"But I'm a shield," you say it aloud as you stare at yourself in the long mirror that hangs on the wall of your chamber.

You've taken your headpiece off you, horns away, armor stripped off you and stand only in a night robe ready to sleep. You look like a mortal again, like someone who doesn't belong in the Underworld.

But it's where you are and you've realized too late that you've caught feelings and it hurts you.

It isn't the same pain inflicted upon you when your father's death reached your ears. It's different.

It's a pain caused by falling in love.

You aren't keen on crying but the past few weeks have made you weaker than the warrior you are. Yet staring at yourself in the mirror, you can only frown at how you look. You are not made to be a bride for anyone, you are a warrior. A shield. Your duty is to serve and protect your seven Lords of the Underworld, not to love them.

Love was never made to be in your dictionary, a word not meant for you to pursue.

Yet there you are catching feelings for the ones you most definitely cannot have.

How are you ever to go on about your everyday life when you've already vowed to stay by their sides until death?

"You cannot love," you tell yourself. "You cannot love." It hurts each time you say it but you say it for three more times, telling yourself that you deserve the pain for even thinking about wanting to love.

"Why can't you love?"

You gasp at the sound of Jungkook's voice and is quick to turn around, your hair flowing along with you.

They all stare in a bit of awestruck at the sight in front of them. You have your hair down for the first time in their eyes with a white nightgown that's just perfect for your body. The sleeves are laced, see through, while the rest is made of silk as the neck cuts into a v-line, stopping at just vally between your breasts with a bow tied around the waist.

You feel exposed though you know the robe hides you well.

Jungkook steps up in front of you and reaches out to tuck your hair behind your ears. He's always wanted to do that. And he loves the way you shy away, avoiding his gaze with a beautiful rosy blush adoring your cheeks.

"You should let your hair down more often," he says in a soft tone and you can hear your heart drumming louder and louder each second. "You look beautiful, Y/N."

Right now you are no shield. You are a woman.

"Thank you, my Lord." Your voice is shaky and they wonder whether it is them that makes you nervous or something else.

They hope it's them.

"Is there anything you need, my Lords?"

They make themselves comfortable in your room, telling you they aren't leaving anytime soon and you're both scared and thankful.

"You said something when we came in, little one," Namjoon says and you feel yourself gulping. "Why can't you love?"

Wasn't the answer clear? "Because I am a shield. Your shield. I only live to serve and protect you."

"Is there a reason why you have chanted those words?" Yoongi asks and you hold your breath.

"Is it because you have fallen in love?" Seokjin guesses.

"No, my Lord."

Hoseok walks up in front of you and you step back because you feel afraid. "You cannot lie to your Lords, Y/N. Be truthful to us. Who do you love?" His voice is deep and makes you even more nervous and that's when you trip on your footing while stepping back but Hoseok holds your waist, catching you. Even though you're so close, you are still refusing to look up and he frowns.

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