07: Hold a flower, hold a sword

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Your body is healed but the scars remains and so does the pain.

It isn't like you and they know something is most definitely wrong but they don't know how to approach you in a way that won't shut you away from them.

So Namjoon takes the initiative and invites himself into your chamber where you sit on your bed, staring blankly at nothing.

"Care to tell me why you lost the battle and almost killed yourself?"

"Forgive me for being an unworthy shield," you answer dryly.

He hates it. Hates how your voice sounds. It isn't lively as it once was, it isn't as exciting. It is dull and heartbreaking.

"You are not an unworthy shield," he tells you.

"But I am, my King, I have failed you."

"You did no such thing."

"I have!" You say it louder than you wanted to and it causes the both of you to stare in shock. You are quick to gasp and fall on your kneels with a head that bows. "Forgive me."

Namjoon doesn't care, he only sighs. The silence is thickening and you await for his words but he refuses to say anything and that only lets you feel even more useless than you already are.

"Will you take my rank away from me?" You ask him fearfully and he hears the breaking in your voice.

"I will do no such thing."

You let out a soft shaky sigh. "Thank you, my King."

You think he doesn't know the difference between your voice but he does.

"Are you crying?"

You swallow thickly at the lump in your throat and try your best not to seem like it. "No, my King."

"But you are." Namjoon kneels before you and gently tilts your head up so that you can meet his dark gaze. "See?" His heart breaks a little at the sight as he brushes a finger to wipe your tears.

"Forgive me," you tell him again but Namjoon shakes his head.

"Will you tell me the reason to your tears?" He queries gently. "Because I know it has to do with the reason as to why you lost yesterday."

You're silent but he's patient.

More tears gather at your eyes before they slip down your precious cheeks and Namjoon's brows furrows at the sight. "What is it, dear one?"

His voice is the softest you have ever heard and bravely, you gather your hands at both his sides and put yourself into his arms. He's surprised at the gesture but the second your head hits his chest and you begin crying there, Namjoon's heart falls at your whimpers and allows himself to hold you.

It hurts, the little cries you give out, but he knows you must be hurting even more.

So he remains there for as long as you need it. Holding you.

And you are so, so thankful for those strong arms.




You fall asleep in Hades's arms and wake up with eyes that feels puffy from the aftermath of your crying.

"Better, little one?" Namjoon asks you and you're surprised he's still holding you. You nod as you look away, feeling embarrassed. "What? Blushing red?"

"Naturally," you answer.

"And why is that?"

"I shed tears in your arms, my King, and accidentally fell asleep." You clear your throat as you sit up, your headpieces feeling uncomfortable with the tight ponytail that still adores your head. "Forgive me, I did not know I was capable of..."

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