04: Dionysus

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The man's trial was not the only one you witnessed that day or the days after that.

And although you ask specifically not to go there often, you are forced to witness it all, hear their tragic death stories, and hear what the Lords have to say in response to that.

Taehyung and Hoseok goes in there most often than the other five because one is the Lord of Punishment, the other is the Lord of Death. And you, because you are their shield.

And although you are sure no one will be able to harm them, especially humans who are the most vulnerable to the Gods, you still have to be there through the trials of the humans whose souls have passed down into the Underworld.

"Your wounds have still not healed?" Seokjin asks you and you shake your head.

"It's only been a week, humans don't heal as fast as you do," you tell him.

The Lord rolls his eyes. "Humans are weak," he says and you respond with a raised brow. "All but you," he pauses, "in some ways."

"I am most definitely the only most worthy one to live here, my Lord."

"Oh really?" It's his turn to raise a brow at the confident gaze you give him. Yet when he stares back at you, your eyes falter and shakes as it looks away.

"No, not really," you squeak.

He chuckles as he takes a seat on your bedside. It's a surprise visit whenever they would come into your chamber, rarely did, but of course you are in no position to refuse them. "Normally I will not be as generous but I came here to heal you."

"My wounds?" You blink.

Seokjin nods. "It's burdensome when you aren't in your best state, just so you know. And we have no need of a burden walking by our side."


"As the Lord of Pain and Misery, I can also take away the pains so go on." You look at him in confusion, having no idea what he means. "Strip from your armor," he tells you almost tiredly and you shiver, "you can't expect me to heal when I can't see your wounds, now can you?"


It's a little embarrassing to say the least but you walk in a strapless thin layer of clothing that reaches only to your thighs. It isn't that you like the way you are dressed, after all, to be in front of a Lord like that meant something else, and you know more than anyone that you are not worthy to lay in bed with them.

So it is indeed embarrassing when you sit on your bed where you are the most vulnerable you have ever been.

But Seokjin pays no mind to your body, only the wounds that kisses almost every inch of you. He frowns at the scars left from previous battles you've fought, frowns even more when he unwraps your bandages and sees that your wounds have yet to heal.

He can sense your energy. "Are you afraid?" He asks.

"I-I'm sorry." It's the softest voice he's ever heard from you, the most vulnerable he's ever seen on you. But Seokjin doesn't tease, he knows better than that.

"Don't be," he assures you in a calm voice. "I won't hurt you. I will only heal you."

He touches your wrist with such gentleness and you allow his hands to hover above your wounds, watching as bright light flashes and burns on them. It doesn't sting as you expected, it's gentle. His hands are gentle.

And for a moment your mind strays. It wishes Seokjin can hold you a little longer, wishes his eyes meets yours.

But they don't.

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