Epilogue .02

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"What?" Your mouth gapes at Namjoon's response which speaks for them all and you groan with disappointment. "Why not? Back when I was a mortal, your shield, I was the greatest warrior yet. Imagine how I'd be as a Goddess! Fighting without worrying about death because at the end of the day, I'll still be able to walk by your sides and—"

"No." Yet it is said again and your smile falls almost instantly.

"Look, just because I am your lover does not mean you can keep me away from fighting because guess what? Not only am I the Goddess of Protection but I am also the Goddess of War. War. I am a warrior!"

"Before you are a warrior, you are our lover," Taehyung states and it only makes you more baffled.

"So, what? I am banned from fighting now that I am your lover?"

"No," Jimin says nonchalantly. They're all nonchalant, all but you who stands upset while the sword in your hand taps impatiently. "We are only banning you from going out of the Underworld for now."

"For now until when?"

"Until we say it is okay."

You whine. "But why?"

Jungkook takes a step forward, his gaze hard and serious. "You may be the Queen of the Underworld but that will not stop other Gods from trying to have a piece of you and that is something we will never allow," he declares in a firm tone. "We cannot lose you again, Y/N."

A part of you knows where they are coming from but that part slides into the back of your mind as the only thing that's keeping you stubborn is the fact that you want to go battle again. It's been weeks since you've returned to the God's realm, three months since you've last fought another.

"You never lost me," you argue, "I was the one that lost you."

And it's true, you all know that it is true. That you were the one who walked through the trial all alone, watching from afar as her lovers went on to love another while not being able to do anything.

You've lost count of the many times your heart broke at the sight of them and Miran, of the many times you've cried and the many times you wanted to cry but had to hold it in for the sake of them. There were so many moments when you had to look away, not being able to bear with the fact that it wasn't you they were in love with, that it wasn't you whom they were kissing and holding.

They can only imagine the pain you had to go through and know they would never want to see you with another man in such ways if that were to ever happen. But it is the fact that you think they do not trust you enough when you were the one who had to hold back your anger and frustration and a broken heart for three whole months. It's what makes you a little more upset.

"Why worry about other Gods when I have the seven of you to love? It isn't as if I will not try to shake them off me if they try something. I know how it will feel like for you because I had to witness—"

You stop yourself in mid-sentence as you realize what is happening — or, what is about to happen and you don't want it happening — so you turn your back to them abruptly, letting your sword fall away, taking deep breathes to try and calm yourself. It only gets a little too real and your brows crease a bit more because now you're upset at yourself for getting upset in the first place and you find yourself crouched on the floor, holding your face with your hands.

"I don't want to do this."

They frown at your words, at how you're trying to hold yourself up but they don't know why you are this way.

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