chapter 4

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A week later:

Gediz went to muge, in her room after dinner.

'Can I come in?'

'yes ofcourse'

'I want to discuss with you something' he sat on the chair next to her perturbed.

Muge was reading a book, she kept it on the table infront of her and gestured him to continue.

'I have been trying to find business opportunities for a while and found something in Bodrum' he said hesitatingly. 'Do You remember my friend Kerem from my university in America'.


'He is there and he has helped me to find few opportunities on which I am working, if I am able to win the bid, I will arrange some money and start again'

'you mean you will leave, Mugla ?' she asked

'Well something like that'

'Hmm...and Nare? Have you discussed with her?'

'No not yet, I wanted to talk to you first, you know things are not good for me here, and we cannot go on like this' then he turned away from her and continued 'I am hurting too much inside, I need some time away too, to clear my head'

Muge placed her hand on his shoulder, 'you lived lots of things off lately, but Nare, will you leave her alone now?'

'Maybe, my going away is good for her too. My presence in the room is difficult for her, I know but I will talk to her' he held her hand lovingly and kissed her.

She smiled back at him and said 'Maybe she will get used to your presence and start accepting it. It's been very hard on her'

He sighed. 'I will talk to her' almost conceding to her argument and then he said rather abruptly,

'but to tell you the truth, I find it very hard to talk to her. I can't talk to her like a friend or advise her, this relation comes in between. I feel so awkward, I love her I see her suffering and it hurts me so much but I don't know what to do. I am not taking advantage of the situation. I promised her, I will keep my distance. It's just got more complicated. I wanted to protect her from pain by others, instead I ended up hurting her more and that's very painful sissy'

'I know, I understand. You will find a way out of all this'

' I hope, sister' he sighed and bid her good night

'good night'

He knocked on the door of their room and entered. Nare, dressed in her night gown was closing the bathroom door behind her. He looked at her and was allured. Nare took a step back and Gediz noticed her vulnerability shrouded in her clothes. He lowered his eyes immediately. Nare pretended to be inviolable and walked towards the bed. Gediz went to the cupboard and took his clothes out. While he was taking his clothes out, he said 'Nare, there is something that I want to discuss with you about'

Nare continued fiddling with the bed sheet and said 'yes'.

'come sit here on the chair' said gediz and pulled another chair in front of her and sat across her.

'I have been looking for some work and I have managed to find a project to bid in Bodrum. I will be travelling to Bodrum for a week. I will leave early tomorrow morning. Would you be alright living here?'

'yes ofcourse I will be fine.' Gediz noticed a sense of relief in Nare.

'I was also wondering nare, if you would like to work to keep yourself engaged?'

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