chapter 22

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Nare was prepared to talk to sancar. She wanted to covertly warn him about possible threat from her father. She was mentally rehearsing her lines.

Sancar came in around afternoon. He called Nare to come outside. He kept his unaffected demeanour when he saw her stepping down the steps. Men were back again guarding the office. His eyes moistened with memories.


Sancar looked at her piercingly. Nare avoided his eyes. She turned her face and tried to control her locks away from her face with hands from sea breeze.

'Sancar, this is regarding the bid that you are going to do with kahraman and dad'

Sancar looked at her surprised 'you called me for the bid? Are you really bothered about that?'

'sancar, please listen to me'

'I don't want any advice from you ambassador's daughter regarding business I know how to handle that. Don't bother yourself for such things but yes be bothered about your husband'

'what do you mean?'

'your husband's game, which never seems to end'

'what game?'

'ask him? Have you asked him'

Nare was caught unawares. What game was he talking about? Does he know anything about their marriage deal. Did dad spill the beans?

Sancar closed on the distance between them. 'Your so-called husband, who is good at hiding things may have hidden this from you'

'will you tell me what are you talking about?'

'You don't know much about him anyways. He says something and does something else. Nobody knows Gediz aga like I do'

Nare stared at him, trying to read sancar's mind. Did he really know anything or there is something more that she didn't know.

'you seem to know nothing. Its time you know, the game that your dad and gediz played with you'

'you know gediz so well, then don't you know he doesn't hide and play. I know him too, I am his wife ' she said so as to push sancar away from her. She feared the distance between them. His closeness races her heart. Her lips tremble and her hands quiver.

He moved away from her. He is like a sea wave, the wave splashes all over her and when the waves retreat it pulls her away with him. Nare dug her feet deeper in the soil to resist him. He had an eerie smile on his face. The answer to his questions was written on Nare's face. He had finally found his answer. His doubt was true. He was aware of the game that Kahraman and Guven were playing. They had left no stone unturned to destroy him and he was always aware of their moves or planning. He knew about the marriage is a deal but today he got the confirmation he was looking for. Nare had stood her ground obstinately, but he knew he had created that ripple today. From today the backwards counting of this marriage drama will begin.

Nare stormed into her father's office. Kahraman was also in the office. She was flaming with anger and blurted 'what are you upto?'

Kahraman saw her spewing flames with anger and took guven's leave.

'what is this behaviour Nare?'

'now I know the truth. You and gediz have tricked me into this marriage together. He is a better version of Akin. So he is so close to you'

'what are you talking about? As far as gediz is concerned I do love him like Akin. He is my son-in- law and close to my heart.'

'what son- in law? I will put an end to this game. He will be back tonight. I will not stay for a minute. If you send sancar to jail again or you do anything to sancar, I will burn everything'

'Nare you have lost senses. That villager has really turned you into a nutcase'

'what villager? Huhh...and you the urban man who plays games with her own daughter and makes her life a living hell. You have left me with no face. Everyone thinks I am promiscuous. I am the reason for ruining everything. But no one sees the real man behind it or men I should say'

'nare don't make this mistake in your life you will repent.'

Nare left the room infuriated. Gediz would be back tonight. Its time for his game to finish as well.

She was contemplating to a find way to make Gediz accountable. His mask was off today. She was once again seeing the janus- faced Gediz. He proved it once again that he was duplicitious. That man who she thought sacrificed so much for a friend laid demasked. She could see his ugly face. She couldn't believe that she fell for him. She was almost ready to give their marriage a chance.

Gediz, boarded the flight with obscure feeling. He remained unsettled, even if he tried to distract himself. Surprisingly, he wasn't excited about going back home. This trip was like vacation to him even though he was busy with work. The flight was about to land. He was looking down at Istanbul from above. He could see the airstrip at the distance. It was night time and the lights lit the airstrip. He felt a bit of turbulence. He dismissed it as turbulence due to bad weather. Then came the announcement that the engine had lost control. His heart was palpating. He reached for his life jacket. For a moment, his life events passed infront of him. His mum, muge, nare, sancar,sahra. He prayed. He looked out frantically and the airplane had crash landed. He could see all the emergency services on the tarmac. The pilot was trying to manoeuvre, but the speed was very high and the flight rolled over. Gediz lost his consciousness.

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