chapter 25

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Finally,Doctor had come and he removed his plaster on the leg. Gediz stood back on his leg again. Nare was overjoyed seeing him standing back on his leg again.

In the evening, gediz was sitting on the sofa and drinking his tea and doing some reading on laptop, Nare came in. gediz acknowledged her coming to his room. He told her ' I have to go somewhere for some important work, I will be back soon'

'Where are you going?'

'Finishing some unfinished business'

'Should I come?'


'do you have to go?'


'I wanted to discuss with you few things'

'ok..i will go later, ask me'

Nare had few business-related issues to discuss. She had managed to do a fledgling start to her business, despite all interruptions. She had asked gediz once ' if marina does good again, would you join?'

'hmm no. I want you to run it, its your baby now'

'gediz, will you not return to business here ever'

'no' he refused. ' I plan to gift this marina to you and melek, after all its your hard work now' he said after that with straight face 'I will go away Nare, to America, I have realised I don't have any place here'

'why would you go, because of me you would leave your hometown'

'its not my hometown anymore, this place will never accept me anymore'

'what makes you think it will accept me?'

'sancar '

'you think, sancar will accept me back'


'He will never know the truth. I won't let him know'

'don't be obstinate' he said with heavy heart, he only wished she loved him.

'the day I took this decision of marrying you, I closed that chapter behind'


'yes, I left him behind'

Nare, asked gediz, 'what do you think how we can improve further our business?'

Gediz looked pensive and answered 'you need to attract people from outside, that will improve your business, you will have to be patient though, but you can do it. You have an added advantage of language; you can tap business from different countries'

'hmm...ok boss. I will do that'

'I will help you with that though. Anything else?'

'That's it. Our competitor, Mr. Sancar has employed a woman who knows several language'

'oh' exclaimed Gediz and smiled. 'That means he was struggling with expanding business'

'I think so too. Do you know how he is doing?'

'you should know. Its important to know how your rival is doing?'

'I try to keep an eye'

'well done!' praised gediz and Nare felt quite proud of herself. 'So can I leave now?'

'yes, yes. When will you come back'

'I wont take long'

'ok' Nare saw gediz getting up from his chair and taking relaxed steps going out. Gediz was walking after long time. Those tough days were behind now. But strain in his fractured leg was still visible in his gait.

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