chapter 23

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Nare's phone rang, 'dad' she mumbled 'so late in the night'. She picked up the call and before she could say hello, guven said nervously 'Nare' his voice was trembling. She had never heard guven talking in grave tone. 'gediz's flight has crashed'. He was noticeably shaken with grief.

'what?' Nare exclaimed panic-stricken.

'I am going to find out about him, I am leaving for Istanbul. I have asked my friends, you don't worry I will find him and save him' Nare didn't catch his words. She became numb. Her hands turned cold. She felt like she had been shocked. Her feet wont move, for a moment she couldn't breathe. She started breathing laboriously. She held on to the bed stand tightly till her knuckles turned white. She took control of herself and Guven on the other end kept calling 'Nare...Nare...' panic struck.

she replied in a trembling voice 'I am coming too' and she kept her phone down. she went to change. Her hands were trembling. Gediz's face was dancing infront of her. She went downstairs hurriedly and found refika. Refika was in the parlour when she turned to Nare as she heard her hurried footsteps. She looked at panic- stricken ashen white face of Nare and asked her worriedly 'what happened?'

Distressed Nare tried to tell her but words betrayed, her mouth became dry. she finally managed to say 'flight crashed , Gediz flight crashed' tears rolled down.

Refika lost control and looked like she would have an attack. Nare cried for muge. Muge came rushing and asked what happened? Nare said in trembling tone 'gediz flight has crashed '

'what?' said muge . she was aghast. She screamed with fear. 'where is he?' she asked. 'dad is looking for him and going to Istanbul. I am going with him too'

'I will come too' she looked at refika, refika said ' I will come too'

All the ladies left the house together.

Nare tried to open the car door but her trembling hands did not have the strength to pull the handle. She slammed on the door hard. It was her bad luck which had casted dark shadows on gediz.

Muge called the driver and asked him to drive. Guven was waiting outside airport. He asked them to follow him, they followed him without uttering a word. Guven was constantly on phone trying to speak to people who can help. He had yet no news of gediz. He spoke to refika and muge reassuringly.

In the queue while boarding the flight, guven caressed Nare's back assuring and said 'we will find him, he will be alright' it was strange, guven reassuring her. She had been always alone, for the first time her father was worried and supporting her.

The flight journey was the longest journey that they all had ever had. It appeared like a never ending ride. All of them were trying to control their emotions but refika was uncontrollable. She kept saying 'my son, my son' Muge was crying too, but she had gathered strength to take care of her mother.

As soon as their flight landed, Guven tried contacting his sources. Nare's heart was quivering. She was scared if her deep seated fear ever came true, she won't be able to live. She held her responsible for the unfortunate incident. Guven kept the phone down, I think we have located him. He is in a hospital, but details about his condition is not known. He informed the same to refika and muge. Refika said 'he is alive, thank god for your mercy' Nare's heart was beating very fast. Guven turned to Nare 'don't worry, everything should be fine. Just pray'

The car was waiting for them. They all climbed in and went to the hospital. It took a while to locate him. The hospital was very busy with injured passengers and their families. Some people were crying, it was an appalling site. Nare had never seen that before. Guven came and said ' Gediz is in ICU he is critical, but there is hope, we can see him' Guven escorted the ladies and doctor said that only one person at a time is allowed.

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