chapter 11

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Next day:

Nare got a message from sancar about late afternoon. 'Meet me at the hut in an hour'

Nare thought about the response and then messaged him back. 'ok'

Nare reached at the hut, parked her car in front of the hut and walked towards the door. The door was closed and she assumed that sancar must have not come. As she reached the doorsill, the door opened. Sancar stood right in front of her. He was so close she was also conscious of his breath. Her heart felt him. Her soul breathed in his smell again. But then she backed down. Deep down, she ached to hug him, so to stop herself from that she curled her fingers into a tight fist.

'Why did you call me here?'

Sancar pulled her by her arm inside. 'come here'

Nare, pulled her arm away and held her head high up to confront him.

Sancar said 'if you think Nare, that you can take my girl away from me, that wont happen and if he tries any tricks then he will land himself in jail.'

'are you trying to threaten us'

'if you think it is a threat so be it. You remember the cheque fraud, I will put your beloved behind bars for that' said Sancar clenching his teeth together.

Nare heard him. 'So are you done'


'don't call me to this place again'

Nare stormed out of the hut and sat in her car and zoomed away. She drove for a while and went to by the sea. As she applied breaks, she cried with all her might. She cried her heart out. She was mumbling meleks name in between. Her cry reduced to sobbing and then she wiped her tears. She sat there for a while thinking when her phone rang. She picked up her phone, gediz was calling.

She hesitated to pick up his call, but then she decided to pick up. Clearing her throat she answered 'hello'

'hello, how are you?'

'good good'

'you don't sound good'

'I am good, don't worry'

'just thought of asking you did you hear anything from the lawyer'

She didn't answer him. Gediz said then 'you heard from him, and he refused right'

'well, something like that'

'nare, what did he say?'

'if we try to take melek, he will put you in jail for forging cheque'

'I am not surprised'


'he thinks If he gives melek to you, you will runaway with her' Nare felt like she was exposed.

'how do you know'

'I know him very well'

Nare was silent.

'where are you now Nare?'

'near the sea'

'you are also forced to be there, like me'

'I don't know gediz'

'go home Nare, I will try to come tomorrow'

'no you don't have to'

'then come here, work'

'I will think about it'

'ok. Go home Nare soon, ok, after you have reached message me, alright'

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