chapter 6

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Nare, got a letter, in couple of days from sancar's lawyer regarding reopening melek's custody case. Sancar, has started attacking her now. Of all the things she did not think he will reopen the case. She took a big sigh and held her head. She started to bounce her legs nervously. It was back to this custody case again. She started to evaluate all the pros and cons, what can go against her and what can go for her. she called the same lawyer that she had hired last time and explained to her. Lawyer advised her to see her.

Nare took her purse and went to lawyer. She explained the lawyer, her present situation. Lawyer took notes of it and told her to give her sometime and in the meanwhile find something to prove that sancar is not a good father.

She came and sat in her car exhausted, when she heard her phone ringing. She took out her phone from her purse, gediz was calling.

'nare, where are you? I am calling you since a while'

'I am here in the car, didn't realize your call'

'what happened?'

'sancar has opened custody case again'


'gediz, I spoke to lawyer'


'she says I need to make a point that sancar is a bad father, how can I do that' she said rubbing her forehead'

'you will have to make decision, you know what sancar can do to do prove you are a bad mother, either you play as dirty as him or let your daughter be with him, decision is yours'

'yaaa... gediz'

'I know, this is not how you play things....but..anyways, I will come tonight then'

'your work is done? you were going to come tomorrow'

' not done yet, but I will come tonight and leave early tomorrow morning, don't worry'


Nare cut the call and heard a knock on her window. Sancar was knocking, she pulled down the window

'mrs. Nare can we have a word ?' He said with a smirk

Nare looked around nervously

Sancar said ' Nare, look there is still time, let me know the truth'

Nare looked at him and said 'sancar, I am tired explaining to you. Why don't you understand?' Nare looked away from him.

'Get out' he opened the door and pulled her out. He asked her to come with him. Nare refused she said 'I am not coming with you anywhere'

'nare' he said in a deep voice, 'follow me'

Nare brushed off saying 'I said I am not going with you anywhere'

'don't force me girl. You know I can take you by force'

'yes, you will take a married woman, without her will' nare retorted angrily

'nare, don't test my patience' and he pulled her in his car

Nare kept protesting, but sancar took her to the hut.

'why have you got me here?'

'look nare'

Nare got down and started walking towards the hut. Sancar followed.

'nare look, I am trying to talk to you, see we have time let's talk. Tell me the truth. Come on'

'what truth man, what truth. Can you see this ring, this is the truth' she said furiously.

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