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December 24th

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December 24th

" Mommy can we get Starbucks?" Mia questioned , as Teyana spoke on the phone.

They were currently at the airport walking to their terminal and Teyana was on the phone taking care of some business.

This year they decided to spend Christmas in Yannick's Tennessee cabin. He had a Christmas game day, so they figured why not. Their family decided to join them as well, except Yas.

" Sure ask Beast to take you guys." Teyana answered, before going back to her conversation.

For the remainder of the walk to the terminal she talked on the phone.

" You done now?" Yannick asked, raising an eyebrow.

Lately it seemed like Teyana was always on the phone handling some sort of business. Matrix Espo was expanding more and more and she was now in the market for a new warehouse and more workers. Right now she was in the process of negotiating a deal with Dick's so that certain items could be sold there.

" Yea." Teyana answered, laying her head on his shoulder. " That's my last call for the vacation, I promise." She added.

" Good, now you can have some fun." Yannick respond

Teyana laid on Yannick until the pilot told them the plane was ready. All of the kids went to the back room and the adults we're in the front.

reem 💙: just landed
: the code to the house is 7623

Reem was flying from Maryland since he had to pick up Malaiya.

" I'm so tired." Yannick yawned, as he snuggled with Teyana.

" Same." Teyana yawned.

" Hi mommy." Mia said, running to Teyana.

" Hi pumpkin. Is it time for our nap?" Teyana responded.

" Yep." Mia said, squeezing in between Teyana and Yannick.

" When is, this going to stop?" Yannick questioned, pointing at the two of them.

" Never, you can't get rid of me." Mia answered, laying her head on Teyana's chest.

" You really gone steal my wife, while on a private jet that I pay for?" Yannick squinted.

" Yep." Mia answered. " Now if you excuse us, we have a nap to take." She added.

" Night night." Teyana said, pulling the cover over the two of them.

" Ain't this something." Yannick said, shaking his head. 


" Y'all ready?" Yannick questioned, and all of the kids screamed yes. " Alright, on your mark, get set, go." he yelled, and they all began scrambling around looking for ingredients.

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