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one year later...

" Mommy you know I haven't had a bad dream and a long time." Mia said, as Teyana did her hair.

" I know right, that's so good." Teyana smiled. " You want a barrette ?" she questioned.

" No thank you." Mia said.

" Alright well your good to go." Teyana said, tapping her back.

" Go get Raia ?" Mia questioned.

" I already did her hair, get your sisters and head downstairs." Teyana answered, and Mia nodded.

Teyana cleaned up the hair products before going to get Arian.

" Hi mommy." Arian said, as Teyana entered his room.

" Hi stinky man. You ready to go now ? Teyana responded, and he nodded his head.

" Can I bring my truck ?" Arian questioned, head tilted.

" Yea." Teyana responded. He picked up his truck and they headed downstairs.

" Y'all ready ?" Teyana questioned, and they nodded their heads before heading to the car.

" Mama are we leaving early today, for daddy's game ?" Raia questioned.

" Nope, y'all are going to be at camp all day." Teyana answered and she nodded.

" I can't believe you make us wake up for camp this early everyday." Lannah said, shaking her head.

" Exactly it's still gonna be there if we go later." Mia said.

" For y'all to have begged me to go to this camp y'all sure do complain a lot." Teyana laughed, grabbing the keys.

" We like going to camp just not the waking up early party." Raia explained.

" Well that's too bad." Teyana said, shaking her head.

Once Teyana dropped off all of the kids she headed to the Matrix Espo store, which she had opened up last October for her birthday.  After lots of thought and consideration she decided to open up a store and she was now in the process of opening another in Baton Rouge.

" Hi welcome to Matrix Espo." A worker greeted.

" Hi !" Teyana waved, heading to the back of the store.

As she walked to the back she waved at all of the different workers.

" Look who came to visit me." Sage said, as Teyana entered her office.

When she opened her store she knew she wanted Sage in charge because it was almost as if Sage knew Matrix Espo better than Teyana did.

" Hi girl, I feel like I haven't seen you in a minute." Teyana said, as she hugged Sage.

" I know right, I don't think i've seen you since me and Reem told you about the baby." Sage responded. " Let's catch up girl." she said , as Teyana sat down.

" So how have you and baby been?" Teyana questioned.

" We're doing good, I had my 15 week appointment yesterday. And your brothers jealous because Laya is clinging to me more now." Sage answered.

" Aww that's cute. Y'all found out the gender yet ?" Teyana said.

" Not yet,next appointment. We're supposed to have the gender reveal like the last week of June so make sure to have that cleared out miss busy lady." Sage responded.

" You sound like Yanny, but yea I'll make sure that's cleared for y'all. He still beating himself up with the fact that y'all not married ?" Teyana questioned.

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