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" Mommy do you think we're gonna make it to state ?" Raia asked, as Teyana fixed her bun.

It was now a few weeks later and Teyana was helping the girls get ready for their state qualifiers competition.

" I know y'all will." Teyana said, as she put the bow in Raia's hair.

" Yea and plus state qualifiers run in our blood, right mama ?" Lannah said, entering the hair room.

"Yes ma'am." Teyana answered.

" Raia, daddy wants to talk to you." Mia said, running into the hair room.

" Mia you got all of your stuff together ?" Teyana questioned.

" Yes ma'am, I put my bag by the door." Mia answered.

" Look at you being all responsible. I'm gonna go get your brother and then we're going to head out." Teyana said, and the kids nodded.

" Mama." Arian yawned, as Teyana walked into his room.

" You're finally up from your nap." Teyana said, picking him up.

" Kiss ?" Arian questioned, looking up at Teyana. She gave him a kiss on his cheek and he cheesed.

" We go bye bye ?" Arian asked, as they walked down the stairs.

" Yea we're going to your sisters competition." Teyana answered.

As always Teyana made sure to pack a snack bag for the kids because she knew they would get hungry. Especially Arian because he would just eat just because he was bored.

" Mommy, daddy wants to talk to you." Lannah said, as she came down the stairs.

" Hi bubby." Mia said, giving Arian a kiss on his cheek.

" Up." Arian said, reaching his arms out for Mia.

" Wassup baby." Teyana said, as Lannah handed her Mia's iPad.

" Hey baby, I miss you." Yannick said.

" Aww I miss you too. Your coming back tonight, right ?" Teyana responded.

" Yea the teams leaving after the game." Yannick answered.

" I got a surprise for you when you get home." Teyana smirked.

" I like the sound of that." Yannick nodded. " Where my lil man?" he questioned.

" In the living room with his big sisters. Arian come say hi to daddy." she called out.

" Hi dada." Arian waved.

" Wassup lil man. You being good for mommy ?" Yannick said, and Arian nodded his head.

" Tell daddy you slept in your room all by yourself last night." Teyana said, and Arian nodded with a smile.

" I a big boy dada." Arian said.

" I know I gotta start taking you to the courts." Yannick said. " I'm gone let y'all go though since  I know y'all gotta head out. I love y'all, good luck at the competition." he added.

" We love you too." they all said, before hanging up the phone.

" Everybody got everything ?" Teyana asked.

" Yes ma'am." they answered.

" Alright. Which car should we drive today ?" Teyana wondered, going through the key drawer.

" Let's drive the benz." Lannah said.

" I think so too." Raia added.

" The benz it is, let's go." Teyana said, picking up the keys and walking towards the door.

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