The Mafia Is A Dangerous Game

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Working in the mafia was no easy task, especially for a man named Sakusa Kiyoomi.

Kiyoomi had taken over part of his family's 'business' three years ago when he turned eighteen.

Under Kiyoomi's lead, the family mafia grew and quickly rose to the top charts of the mafia ranks.

The Sakusa name was very well-known amongst the residents of the mafia world.

The Sakusa family were known to be efficient and deadly killers, having been trained in combat and strategy by their parents from the age of twelve onwards.

Sakusa Kiyoomi, however, was one of the most lethal killers they had ever trained, being a gunslinger with expert combat skills.

He could use any gun with expert handling, but he enjoyed using dual suppressed 44-Magnum handguns the most.

Being ambidextrous and having amazing flexibility in his wrists, he could hit almost every target with one hundred percent accuracy and mortality rate.

His team had similar statistics, but they all specialized in different weapons and combat types.

Though, what frustrated him was the fact that their was one specific target who neither he or his team could track down, and much less kill.

Nobody knew who he was or what he looked like, but everyone knew his code name.

He was the illusive Vulpes, the boy who had a bounty placed on his head by almost every mafia group in the city.

Vulpes was an infamous assassin with a name that meant 'true fox'.

He was nicknamed the Silent Destruction for his lethal tendencies to attack without making a sound at all, silent like the night and as deadly as cyanide.

No one had ever witnessed Vulpes assassinate someone before, but most people knew of the aftermath... Whenever the nightmare known as Vulpes struck, it was all over the news.

There were times where he had taken out entire gangs, and everyone knew when Vulpes attacked because of how gruesome the crime scene was.

Kiyoomi had always thought that the assassin known as Vulpes was just an old crime lord's tale used to frighten the newbies and recruits into listening to their superiors.

Vulpes was seen as a ghost who walked amongst the streets of the city, he'd attack and then disappear completely.

Some people went as far as saying that Vulpes wasn't a human but a vicious demon from the underworld that was sent to the surface to punish the living for their misdeeds.

He was like a shadow, swooping down and claiming the lives of his victims with his knives and daggers.

It was only when Kiyoomi had witnessed the aftermath of an assassination first-hand did he realize that Vulpes was very real and very dangerous.

Kiyoomi and his team were preparing to raid one of their rival gangs, when there sniper, Oikawa Tooru, announced that there was no movement within the building.

Realizing that the door was unlocked, they entered the building and were met with a gruesome sight.

The scene before them was a morbid painting of death on display, the merciless mass murder of the rival gang.

The door opened to a pool of blood on the floor.

The dark red liquid spilled over the floor and splattered across the walls, dosing the furniture with a crimson hue.

It was dark inside the building, indicating that the power had been cut.

The feint glow of the moonlight bathed the room with a silvery glow, making the blood glisten and shine with a morbid beauty.

The putrid irony smell of blood and fear hit their noses as dread washed over them with the realization that the blood was still fresh.

Through the dark and gloom, the team could make out the shapes of the corpses of the rival gang that littered the floor.

The team medic, Akagi Michinari, examined the wounds inflicted on their lifeless bodies while the others searched the building for the culprit or any evidence of who the culprit may be.

They found one, and only one, piece of evidence.

It was a matte black kunai throwing dagger with a metallic gold hilt that was lodged in between the eyes of the leader of the rival gang.

The tip was soaked with blood, but the decal engraved on the side was still visible.

It was a symbol of a fox skull.

On the wall behind the corpse, the word Vulpes was carved in all capital letters in large scratchy handwriting.

When Akagi had finished his assessment on the corpses, he mentioned that they were all killed with blades.

Each one either had multiple slashes across their body or multiple stab wounds, or both.

Some were stabbed in the eye, or in both eyes.

Others were stabbed in between the eyes or in the back of the neck.

Some had their Achilles tendon slashed to pieces while others had their spinal cords cut halfway down their back.

Some of the bodies had multiple stab wounds in the heart, and others had their throat slit.

The team had left the premises after that.

Kiyoomi had grabbed the knife that was stuck through the skull of the rival leader.

What scared Kiyoomi and his team the most was the expressions of extreme shock and desperation that were painted across the faces of the rival gang members.

As if the person, or thing, that killed them had caught them completely off-guard.

Ever since then, Kiyoomi's team had been researching and investigating the Vulpes case.

They quickly figured out that trying to get any information about the assassin was futile.

He was too good at covering his tracks, there wasn't even a snippet of video surveillance footage that had captured him.

The video would cut out for a few minutes and when it returned, the deed would already have been done and the victims were already dead.

It also occurred to them that they couldn't set up a trap for him considering that he attacked sporadically, killing at the most random times, he was unpredictable and dangerous.

Just like his namesake, he was sly and cunning, quick on his feet, unable to be captured or detained, and Kiyoomi found it horribly frustrating.

Vulpes was truly a dangerous adversary.

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Idk what I'm doing anymore-

Anygays, bye!

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