Silence Is A Virtue

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"Everyone ready?" Kiyoomi asked before he received a chorus of affirmative answers through his communicator.

Kiyoomi took a deep breath, Atsumu had managed to calm him down but he was still very much on edge.

"Alright... Vulpes, take the lead," Kiyoomi directed and Atsumu nodded as they made their way to the building in silence.

Atsumu led them through the shadows and Kiyoomi shot both guards at the entrance, killing them instantly before the pair entered the warehouse silently, sticking to the dark spots against the walls.

They split up and went in opposite directions, not wanting to waste any time.

Atsumu crept past the large crates of weapons and came across a group of four guards.

Atsumu watched them from the shadows, he watched them through his peripheral vision, not looking at them directly to not trigger that feeling you get when you feel like someone is watching you.

It was like he was invisible to them, he made his breathing shallow and his footsteps light, making his presence almost non-existent.

Before any of them realized it, Atsumu had already thrown two knives into two of the guards' skulls and slit the last two guards' throats simultaneously.

Kiyoomi was on the other side of the large stack of crates in the middle of the warehouse, and much to his displeasure, he ran into a group of six guards, which he eliminated quickly with one bullet per skull.

That was all the guards on the ground level, so Atsumu and Kiyoomi met up at the top of the stairs that led into the basement where all the manufacturing and transactions went down.

They crept down the stairs silently and took out the two guards situated at the bottom before making their way around the basement level and eliminating every single member quickly and quietly.

Atsumu was very attracted to the fact that Kiyoomi was handling the stealth job so well, he couldn't help but notice how attractive it was to see Kiyoomi assassinating people with a similar lethality to the assassin himself.

It occurred to him that being in a mafia was incredibly dangerous, but if you had the right allies, you wouldn't have to worry.

Atsumu smirked grimly behind his mask as he watched Kiyoomi let loose and go on a silent killing spree to let out his frustrations, an unforeseen lethal force that none of the rival gang's members could combat.

Atsumu noticed how Kiyoomi's wrists flicked in the direction of where his target was and the bullet would be drawn to their skull like a magnet.

Atsumu didn't even realize how Kiyoomi's ambidextrous wrists had caught his attention, but he found himself wondering what else those strong hands and long fingers could do.

Finding himself to be heavily distracted, Atsumu quickly turned his attention back to assassinating everyone in the building.

Once they were done, Atsumu let out a shaky breath as he began to collect his daggers, his thoughts were quickly being clouded by some thoughts that couldn't really be considered appropriate to their current situation.

Atsumu sighed, maybe he shouldn't have teased Kiyoomi about having fantasies about him because now it was the assassin who was thinking lewdly of the mafia leader.

Shoving his thoughts aside, he told Kiyoomi that he'd meet them at the base before he left.

Atsumu preferred to travel alone, after years of being on his own, it was what he'd gotten used to.

He got back to the base first, which wasn't an odd occurrence, but he wondered how they took longer with a car than him parkouring across buildings on foot.

He walked to his room and immediately went to go shower after putting his gear aside to clean it later.

He sighed as the hot water ran over his skin, slowly washing away the blood that had soaked through his gear, being an assassin was a messy job, there was no doubt about that.

He watched as the reddened liquid trickled down his body before disappearing down the drain, washing away the evidence of the days' work as he was lost in his thoughts.

When he was finished, he dried himself and got dressed into some more comfortable clothes before cleaning his gear.

He heard some noise coming from the floor above him and noted that the rest of the team had finally arrived.

He began to wipe the blood from his daggers when he realized with great annoyance that he needed to get some more, of course, he had a large supply of daggers and knives, but it was stored in his hideout quite far away from the base.

Atsumu sighed, he needed to ask Kiyoomi to take him there because, first of all, it was way too far to go on foot, and second of all, he didn't know how to drive considering that no one bothered to teach him.

He took out a backpack that Oikawa got for him when they went shopping for clothing a few days after Atsumu joined the team.

He grabbed a face mask and put it in the pocket of his hoodie before walking to Kiyoomi's room.

He knocked on the door and went inside after hearing Kiyoomi's confirmation.

"Hey, Omi?" Atsumu asked as he closed the door behind himself.

"What's up?" Kiyoomi replied as he turned to look at Atsumu from where he was sitting at his desk.

"Can I ask ya a favor?" Atsumu asked as he scratched the back of his head awkwardly.

Kiyoomi, sensing Atsumu's embarrassment, got up from his desk and walked over to the assassin before wrapping his arms around his waist and kissing him on the nose, "Anything."

Atsumu kept his eyes trained on the ground as he asked his request, "Can ya take me somewhere? I need more daggers... I have a supply of 'em stored in my hideout, but it's too far for me to get there on my own..."

Kiyoomi smiled softly, "Sure, Atsu..."

To Kiyoomi's surprise, Atsumu hugged him tightly as he thanked the mafia leader.

Atsumu always hated asking for things because when he was younger he'd always be punished whenever he asked for something that wasn't necessarily important, which was most things.

Kiyoomi led Atsumu to the base's garage that was on ground level and handed him a motorcycle helmet.

"You're not scared of riding on a motorbike, are you?" Kiyoomi smirked as Atsumu stared at him with a deadpan expression.

Kiyoomi leaned back against his motorcycle as Atsumu stepped closer.

Kiyoomi's cocky expression faltered when Atsumu grinned and leaned up to whisper in his ear, "I can assure ya that I wanna ride a lot more than jus' yer bike," he said in a low tone before he put the helmet on his head, smirking as he heard a choking sound come from Kiyoomi.

Kiyoomi felt a shiver run down his spine as he chuckled bitterly before putting on his own helmet.

"So where is this place? You know... Your hideout?" Kiyoomi asked as he got onto the bike.

Atsumu got on behind Kiyoomi and wrapped his arms around his waist, "I'll give ya directions, jus' drive an' I'll point..."

Kiyoomi nodded and started the bike before driving out as the garage door opened.

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Weeeeeeee ✈️ idk- okay?

Anygays! Bye!

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