Love Is A Beautiful Thing

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"Hey Atsu...?" Kiyoomi asked as he played with the hair of a very sleepy assassin who was curled up in his arms.

Kiyoomi was sitting on his bed with his back up against wall and his arms wrapped around the waist of Atsumu who was curled up in a ball on his chest in one of Kiyoomi's hoodies that was overly too big for him.

"Hm?" Atsumu merely hummed in reply.

Atsumu was feeling incredibly tired after the mission, Kiyoomi had managed to help the assassin get his sleeping patterns back to normal during the time he was on the team.

They didn't do much in the shower besides, of course, cleaning themselves, Atsumu sucking off Kiyoomi, and then the mafia leader taking care of the assassin's problem in return.

"Are you okay?" Kiyoomi asked softly.

"Mhm... I might pass out for a few hours, but I'm fine..." Atsumu answered lazily as he snuggled up closer to Kiyoomi.

"I'm sorry I asked you to help me with... That," Kiyoomi apologized as he kissed the top of Atsumu's head.

"I told ya already, I'm yers to do with what ya please, I'll only take orders from ya," Atsumu assured.

"You know, everytime you say something like that, you make me want you even more," Kiyoomi confessed.

Atsumu looked up at Kiyoomi as he shifted so that he was straddling the mafia leader.

"Ya don't need to want me anymore... I'm already yers, Omi," Atsumu replied as he caressed Kiyoomi's cheek.

The look in Atsumu's eyes had Kiyoomi staring in awe, the usual heavy and broken look in his eyes was slightly softened as his emotionless gaze was filled with a love that was directed towards Kiyoomi.

Kiyoomi reached up and cupped Atsumu's face, "You're so beautiful... You know that?" He asked as he gazed into those now warm honey-colored eyes.

The small smile on Atsumu's face and the light red blush that spread across his cheeks was enough to make Kiyoomi's heart skip a beat.

Kiyoomi quickly closed the distance between them and kissed Atsumu, who instantly kissed back.

The kiss was soft and passionate, filled with love and affection.

They pulled away and Kiyoomi smiled, "It's pretty funny actually... Who would of thought that we'd end up together?" He chuckled.

Atsumu smiled widely, little did Kiyoomi know that Atsumu had been in love with him for years.

"The world's most lethal assassin an' the world's most dangerous mafia leader... I'd say that we make a good match..." Atsumu smirked as Kiyoomi ran his hands through the assassin's hair.

"Something tells me that we'll make a deathly inescapable team," Kiyoomi said with a grin.

"I like the sound of that..." Atsumu replied as he laid his head back down on Kiyoomi's chest.

Kiyoomi smiled softly to himself as he continued to thread his fingers through Atsumu's soft blonde hair, honestly, how did he get so lucky?

Atsumu lifted his head up before he leaned down and pressed his lips to Kiyoomi's once again, this time letting his lips linger there as he whispered breathlessly against Kiyoomi's mouth, "C'mon, Omi... Get some sleep, we're goin' after the illegal weapons dealers t'morrow, an' we can't have our leader not bein' able to stay awake, now can we?"

Kiyoomi moved his head downwards to press a single kiss against the skin underneath Atsumu's jawline, "Whatever you say, Atsu..."

Kiyoomi looked up at Atsumu who smiled at him before leaning back down against the mafia leader's chest and making himself comfortable.

Bloodlust (SakuAtsu Mafia/Assassin AU) Where stories live. Discover now