Only Fools Stare Into The Eyes Of Death

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"Fuck...!!" Kiyoomi groaned.

"Chill out, Kiyo..." Komori Motoya, Kiyoomi's second-in-command, tried to comfort his cousin.

Komori was a hacker with a taste for chemistry, he mainly worked with poisons and explosives.

Kiyoomi scowled as he whipped around and shot three bullets into the target at the end of the shooting range.

They were in the underground shooting range and training room that resided under their base.

All three bullets hit the target in exact same spot, right in between where the eyes would have been.

"How the fuck am I supposed to calm down?! That bastard, Vulpes, just wiped out another gang!!" Kiyoomi shouted in reply.

Komori sighed, his cousin was becoming increasingly agitated and frustrated, and he knew why.

Kiyoomi had never had a problem with finding someone and killing them before... At least, that was until Vulpes had become a problem.

The assassin was nothing like the enemies Kiyoomi had ever faced before, how do you defend yourself against a threat that was unpredictable and practically invisible??

Kiyoomi clicked his tongue as he put his gun back in its holster on his belt.

"I'm going to my room, tell me when you and Rintarou find something," he said as he angrily walked out of the training room.

Komori shook his head and sighed, Kiyoomi might as well have stayed in his room forever if he was waiting for Komori and Suna Rintarou, the other hacker on the team and their resident technological genius, to find some information on Vulpes.

Kiyoomi walked into his room and closed the door before placing his guns on his desk and sitting down on his bed, sighing.

His gaze drifted over to the desk drawer.

He got up and walked over, sitting down on his desk chair as he opened the top drawer of his desk.

He reached into the drawer and pulled out the matte-black kunai dagger that he'd stored there.

He stared at the dagger while absent-mindedly dragging his finger over the symbol engraved into the blade, slowly tracing the intricate design.

It had been just over a month since they stumbled across the crime-scene left by Vulpes.

"Who are you...?" He asked softly, not noticing that he'd voiced his thoughts out-loud as he continued to stare at the kunai.

Everyone knew that Vulpes worked alone, it was an unspoken knowing amongst the mafia world.

A one-man army who could take down some of the the toughest gangs single-handedly.

In a way, even if he wouldn't admit it, it was kind of a turn on for Kiyoomi.

Not many people were as strong and good a fighter as him, and it intrigued Kiyoomi.

He wanted to either kill Vulpes, or get the assassin to join his team, and even though he preferred the second option, he'd take what he could get.

He was twisting the knife between his fingers, lost in his thoughts before he heard a knock at his door and quickly put the knife back in the drawer, closing it.

"Yes?" He called.

The door opened and Miya Osamu, the team's resident swordsman, stepped into the room.

"Did you find anything?" Kiyoomi asked.

Osamu shook his head, "Ya should come see this," he replied as he beckoned for Kiyoomi to follow him, to which the mafia leader obliged and followed Osamu out of his room.

Osamu led him into the recreational room where the rest of the team was gathered in front of the television which had the news playing on screen.

Kiyoomi turned his attention to the television and his eyes widened.

There was a news reporter on screen standing in front of a building which Kiyoomi recognized to be one of their rival's bases.

There was scratchy writing etched into the door.

Are you scared yet?? -Vulpes

Kiyoomi decided that the taunt was both equally infuriating as it was a turn on, and he decided that he wanted to meet Vulpes.

May it be the end of his life? Most likely, but he needed to know who the assassin was as he was becoming desperate to know who was making him feel such conflicting feelings.

The next evening, he went out on his own to the quiet parts of the city, and sat on the roof of a building, quietly watching the sun setting over the horizon, painting the sky a deep shade of red.

"Just like blood," Kiyoomi thought grimly.

There was barely a breeze, being it the middle of summer, and he suddenly felt a chill run down his spine as he felt a cold metal object being dragged across the back of his neck.

He hadn't even noticed the assassin's arrival, and quickly realized that Vulpes was truly a ghost.

Kiyoomi hadn't even noticed his presence until he'd made himself known.

"Don't ya think it's a bit dangerous for the leader of the top mafia be out alone... Sakusa?"

Kiyoomi shivered when he heard Vulpes' voice as it seemed to hiss his name out with disgust, his voice was both light and airy, but it had a cold and teasing tone to it.

"And why is that... Vulpes?" Kiyoomi asked.

He felt the sensation of Vulpes' cold gloved fingers dragging across the skin on the back of his neck and felt a tingle go down his spine.

He heard the assassin chuckle, "Yer confident... I like that..." Vulpes whispered into Kiyoomi's ear, "But what makes ya think that I won't kill ya right now?"

Kiyoomi felt the cold gloved hand grab his chin as the blade of a dagger was pressed against his throat.

Kiyoomi gulped, speaking carefully, "I know your reputation... I would have been dead already if you wanted to kill me," he replied.

Vulpes chuckled as he took the blade away from Kiyoomi's throat and tipped his head upwards.

"I see someone did their homework..." He said teasingly.

Kiyoomi stared up at a hooded figure with fully black mask that covered the assassin's face completely.

The eyes were a pearly iridescent white film that acted like one-way glass.

In a way, the assassin's mask seemed strangely familiar.

Kiyoomi stared up into the blank eyes of the mask as Vulpes seemingly studied his expression.

Vulpes dragged the blade of the kunai under Kiyoomi's chin and towards his ear, careful not to cut him, before carefully placing the dagger in Kiyoomi's hand and closing his fingers around it.

Kiyoomi began to wonder if that was what it felt like to look into the eyes of death.

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Feeling kinda meh today...

Anygays, bye!!

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