Doing Drugs Will Get You Killed

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"Everyone in position?" Kiyoomi asked into his communicator to which he received a chorus of affirmative answers.

"Motoya?" Kiyoomi called.

"Phase one is a go, I have eyes on the inside," Komori answered.


"Yeah, yeah... Phase two is active, the feeds on the screens have been looped," Suna answered.

"Okay good, Atsumu, are you ready for phase three?" Kiyoomi turned to Atsumu who was standing next to him in the alleyway where the van was parked.

Atsumu scoffed as he leaned closer to Kiyoomi and peered at the mafia leader through his mask, "One, don't call me by my given name," Atsumu tipped Kiyoomi's chin down to look into his eyes, "When we're on a mission I'm Vulpes," Atsumu then leaned even closer, to the point where Kiyoomi could see the fibres of his mask, "An' two, I'm always ready for a fight," he finished as he let go of Kiyoomi's chin and made his way towards the building.

Kiyoomi sighed as he watched the assassin's silhouette seemingly dissappear into the darkness of the evening.

"Did anyone else feel that wave of sexual tension?" Iwaizumi asked, wide-eyed as he stared at where Kiyoomi and Atsumu had just been talking.

"...Yes," the whole team, besides the two in question, answered at the same time after a moment of complete silence.

Kiyoomi turned around to glare at Iwaizumi, Osamu and Akagi who were standing next to the van right as Atsumu's voice came over the communicators, "I can still hear ya, y'know? An', Kiyoomi, if ya don't mind, shut yer fuckin' team up before their loud ass voices get me caught!" He whisper-shouted into his communicator before lowering his tone, "I swear... This is why I like workin' alone..."

"Oh... Someone's in trouble..." Osamu jeered.

"That shut up goes to ya too, Samu," Atsumu scoffed and the team took that as Atsumu's final warning to keep quiet.

The team watched as one by one, Atsumu dropped in on the guards and silently eliminated all six of them within the time span of a minute.

"All right, the coast is clear, time for phase four," Atsumu's voice came through the communicator once again.

Kiyoomi wasn't even going to try and say that the sight wasn't attractive, seeing Atsumu covered in the blood of their rivals was insanely hot to him.

Kiyoomi quickly pushed the distracting thoughts that began to cloud his mind out of his head as they moved towards the building.

They entered the building and instantly began picking off the gang members.

Kiyoomi walked through the doors, guns literally blazing as bullet after bullet met its mark in the skull of every single gang member that he set eyes on.

Osamu got to work immediately cutting down gang members and slicing bullets in half as they flew towards him from the guns of the rival members.

Oikawa was dropping bodies with his sniper as he protected his teammates from behind.

Iwaizumi was in the back picking off rival team members with the knuckle-busters on his fists.

All of a sudden, Kiyoomi felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand up and instantly he knew what was about to happen.

A round of kunais rained down from the chandelier on the ceiling and killed every single member on both the lower and upper floors before a bunch of corpses fell over the railings of the upper floor and onto the table in the middle of the main room.

Bloodlust (SakuAtsu Mafia/Assassin AU) Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ