Unchained By The Hands Of Death

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For the next few days, Kiyoomi would reread that note left by Vulpes.

He'd reread it over and over again, but he'd get nowhere near to figuring out who was the mystery person that was hunting him.

He desperately needed to talk to Vulpes again, and he really needed to know what the note meant, so he did something stupid.

He went out alone, back to that building where he first spoke to Vulpes.

He hoped that the assassin would be there, and he was, but Kiyoomi definitely didn't expect what had happened.

He was sitting on the edge of the roof of the building watching the sunset when he heard something behind him.

At first, he thought it was Vulpes, but then it occurred to him that Vulpes never ever made a noise.

Kiyoomi had never heard Vulpes arrive when they'd met up, he was pretty sure that he'd never heard Vulpes' footsteps before either, but now he could feel the presence of the person coming closer.

No, this wasn't Vulpes, it couldn't be, Vulpes was a true master of the art of stealth.

This person could barely keep their footsteps quiet, not to mention that their presence was totally clear and obvious.

When the person had gotten close enough, Kiyoomi whipped around and grabbed the wrist of his attacker.

He twisted their arm around and bent it backwards as he slammed them onto the rooftop floor.

He kneeled down on his attacker's back and he placed them in a lock as the person writhed and struggled to get out of Kiyoomi's grip.

Suddenly, a black kunai whistled past Kiyoomi's ear and lodged itself into the back of the attacker's head, killing them instantly.

Kiyoomi quickly looked in the direction of where the kunai came from.

There was Vulpes, he was in a position that seemed to have been the follow-through of his throw.

He quickly motioned for Kiyoomi to be quiet as he walked over to the body before handing a small piece of paper to Kiyoomi, who took it and read it.

Stay quiet.
Just trust me, okay?

Kiyoomi looked up at Vulpes who was staring back at him and nodded as Vulpes got to work.

Vulpes retrieved his kunai from the back of the corpse's head and flicked it in an arc to the side, splattering the blood across the floor of the roof.

He sheathed the kunai before drawing another one and rolling up his sleeve.

Kiyoomi watched him closely, he'd never even seen Vulpes' skin before, the assassin's gear covered his body completely.

It occurred to Kiyoomi that the only thing he really knew about the assassin was what his voice sounded like.

He watched carefully as Vulpes pressed the blade of the kunai to the smooth tanned skin of the inner side of his left forearm.

Vulpes dragged the blade up his arm, slicing through his skin as he clenched and unclenched his hand in pain.

Kiyoomi's eyes widened as he watched Vulpes let the blood trickle endlessly from the wound and pour onto the ground until there was a small but noticeable puddle.

With slight hesitation, Vulpes stuck the kunai into the wound and twisted it upwards.

Kiyoomi watched as Vulpes removed a small, circular device from his arm.

The device looked like a microchip, it had a blinking blue light and wires sticking out in places.

Vulpes held the device in his hand and gestured for Kiyoomi to stay completely quiet, to which the mafia leader complied as Vulpes began to speak.

"Shit..." He muttered in a panicked state, "Shit.. Shit. Shit! Fuck, how could ya be so stupid to lead 'em right to us..." He complained in resignation under his breath.

He then placed it on the rooftop floor, took a gun out of his pocket and stood up, he aimed at the device and pulled the trigger.

There was a loud bang as the bullet was launched from the chamber and collided into the device, destroying it instantly.

He then picked up the broken device along with the bullet and put it in a pocket before he shot a bullet directly into back of the corpse's skull where the knife wound had previously been.

He took a few steps back as he dropped the gun and clutched his wounded arm.

Kiyoomi stood up quickly and caught Vulpes as he stumbled while he signaled that Kiyoomi could speak.

"What the hell was that?" Kiyoomi asked.

Vulpes reached into one of his pockets and took out a roll of bandages before handing it to Kiyoomi.

"I'll explain soon-" Vulpes accidentally cut himself off as he winced in pain, "Jus' help me with this, will ya?"

Kiyoomi obliged as he took the bandages and began wrapping them around Vulpes' wound.

When Kiyoomi had finished the bandages, Vulpes flexed his hand and stretched his arm before rolling down his sleeve.

"Before I say anythin'," Vulpes pointed to the dead body on the ground, "That was one of my subordinates, my boss won't care if he's dead, but he's gonna come lookin' for my body, so we gotta go," he said.

Kiyoomi nodded in recognition of the situation, they left the rooftop and traveled to Kiyoomi's team's base.

Right before they entered the base, Vulpes grabbed Kiyoomi's wrist.

"Wait, I don't want ya team to know 'bout my alliance... I'll explain later, jus' don't tell 'em," he said.

Kiyoomi looked at him in confusion, "How am I supposed to get you into the base without them noticing?"

Vulpes tilted his head to the side, "Did ya jus' forget that yer talkin' to the city's best assassin? Specifically, the assassin who specializes in stealth?"

Kiyoomi scratched the back of his head in embarrassment as he smiled awkwardly at Vulpes.

Vulpes chuckled and shook his head, "I'll meet ya inside yer room, jus' act natural," with that, he disappeared completely from Kiyoomi's sight.

Kiyoomi chuckled bitterly as he entered the base, and walked down the stairs to his room before closing and locking the door.

He was about to switch on the light when he felt someone grab his wrist, "Leave the lights off," Vulpes' voice said.

Due to being underground, the room was completely dark without the lights on so Kiyoomi was slightly confused.

"Before ya ask, I wanna take my mask off, but I'm not comfortable with ya seein' my face yet," Vulpes explained quietly.

Kiyoomi took hold of Vulpes' hand, "Why?"

"Don't get me wrong, I trust ya, but part of me wants to stay anonymous..." Vulpes answered.

Kiyoomi was still pretty confused but he complied and let go of Vulpes' hand.

Kiyoomi could just about see Vulpes' silhouette as he took off his mask and took in a breath of fresh air.

"So what was all that on the roof about?" Kiyoomi asked as Vulpes sat down on the bed.

"I faked my death..."

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I have to study but I'm lazy so here's a chapter

Anygayss byee!

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