A Mirror's Image Can Be Deceptive

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Atsumu walked into the training room to find Osamu already waiting for him.

"Jeez, what took ya so long?" Osamu asked quickly.

"Sorry, I got held up by Kiyoomi," Atsumu apologized.

Osamu raised an eyebrow and crossed his arms, "Did y'all fuck or what??"

Atsumu, who had been drinking water at the time, nearly did a spit-take, "What?! Fuck no!" He answered.

Osamu didn't look convinced, "The blush on yer face says otherwise," he replied.

Atsumu scoffed, "Eh?? Ya really think that I'd be walkin' right now if Kiyoomi fucked me? I'm a fuckin' virgin for cryin' out loud!" He answered.

Yes, Oikawa did explain what a bottom was, so Atsumu established that between him and Kiyoomi, he was definitely the bottom.

Osamu seemed to think about his statement a bit before chuckling, "Well, I guess I don't hafta beat his ass yet, so that's good."

Atsumu stared at him in confusion before shaking his head and dropping the subject.

"So we doin' weapons or nah?" Atsumu asked.

"If ya think that I'm gonna train against ya without my sword, yer insane," Osamu scoffed as he picked up his katana.

Atsumu shrugged before grabbing two daggers that were half the length of his forearms.

They got into position on the sparring mats to begin training when Osamu noticed that Atsumu wasn't wearing his gear.

"Are ya not gonna gear-up first? I don't wanna hurt ya," Osamu asked worriedly.

Atsumu chuckled and shook his head, "I'll be fine," he replied before whispering under his breath, "Besides, there's only one person who I'll let hurt me..."

"Suit yerself," Osamu said, not having heard the second part of Atsumu's reply, and with that, they began to train.

The sound of metal on metal filled the room as the blades of their weapons clashed against each other.

Atsumu attacked relentlessly with speed and agility, he attacked with such precise movements that Osamu found himself struggling to defend, not to mention that Atsumu's choices of weaponry were smaller and more maneuverable than Osamu's sword.

Osamu found himself overwhelmed by his brother's incredible speed and reflexes, every single attack made by Osamu was easily evaded before it was countered.

Osamu realized that his brother may look exactly like him, but they couldn't be more different.

For one, Atsumu went through hell, but he was strong, traumatized, but strong.

Secondly, fighting Atsumu was like fighting a hurricane, it's not possible, you're just waiting for death.

Osamu couldn't help but be slightly afraid of his brother, though he knew that Atsumu would never hurt him.

Osamu did his best to block and dodge Atsumu's attacks but eventually, his back hit the wall and Atsumu went in for the final slash.

Atsumu's blade stopped right before it came within an inch of Osamu's throat.

Atsumu smiled at him and stepped away, though that blank look in his eyes still remained.

The permanent look of pure cold emotionless blank in Atsumu's eyes was a difficult thing to get used to for Osamu, especially since he remembered so vividly what Atsumu was like when they were kids.

Atsumu's eyes were so bright and full of light and warmth when he and Osamu were younger, but now they were cold and broken, an abyss of nothingness.

Osamu really wanted to murder Kiyoomi's father for taking Atsumu's life away from him and making him an assassin.

Osamu stepped away from the wall as Atsumu placed his daggers back on their hooks on the wall.

Osamu then followed his actions and placed his sword on its holder against the wall.

They trained in hand-to-hand combat for a while before they decided that it had been enough training for one day.

Atsumu said his goodbyes to his brother as he left the training room and made his way to his room to take a shower before going to Kiyoomi's room.

Atsumu had his own room, but he found that it was too difficult to sleep alone in a room that was deathly silent, so Kiyoomi let him sleep in his room while the mafia leader worked because brought a sense of comfort and safety to both of them.

After all, there was that known but unspoken attraction towards one another that made them want to keep the each other close.

It was a natural thing for Atsumu to go to Kiyoomi's room just to talk or sleep.

Kiyoomi honestly feared that if Atsumu was left alone with his thoughts for too long, he'd probably go insane from the trauma, so he actually preferred it if Atsumu slept in his room instead of his own.

Atsumu walked over to Kiyoomi's room while carefully toweling his hair dry, he hoped that Kiyoomi would be awake to dry his hair for him.

He opened the door to Kiyoomi's room and his eyes settled on the sight of Kiyoomi at his desk, hunched over his work.

"Omi?" Atsumu called out.

Kiyoomi immediately sat up and turned his chair around to face Atsumu.

"Hey, how was training?" Kiyoomi asked as Atsumu sat down on the edge of the bed.

"It was good," Atsumu answered nonchalantly as he continued to dry his hair until he looked at Kiyoomi and gestured towards his hair, "Can ya help me?"

Kiyoomi nodded and moved to sit down next to Atsumu before taking the towel from his hands and beginning to rub Atsumu's hair dry as the assassin turned his back towards Kiyoomi to make it easier.

Once Kiyoomi was done, Atsumu let out a small sigh and leaned back against Kiyoomi's chest.

"Are you okay?" Kiyoomi asked as he ran his fingers through Atsumu's soft blonde hair.

Atsumu nodded, "I'm fine, it's jus'..." His voice trailed off as he turned his head away, "I wanna kill him, Omi... I wanna make him suffer like I did... I hafta... For my own sanity..."

Kiyoomi smiled weakly as he leaned over Atsumu and kissed him on the forehead.

Atsumu exhaled lightly as Kiyoomi's hand enclosed his own and intertwined their fingers.

Atsumu didn't really know what he and Kiyoomi's relationship was, they flirted often, so much that their friends said that they had this creepily immense amount of sexual tension, they trained together constantly, they were overly affectionate when alone, they slept in the same room in the same bed, they made jokes about sleeping with each other to one another even though they'd never actually done anything sexual, and now they were making out and sharing sweet kisses of love and affection when no one else could see them.

Atsumu wasn't sure what their relationship was, but he liked it, and so did Kiyoomi.

They never spoke about the confessions made that morning, but they both felt like they didn't need to, they didn't need labels, they were just... In love.

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Yeet yeet skrrt yeet skrrt skrrt- idk wtf I'm doing so ignore me

Anygayss bye!

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