Chapter 10

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So many are exited for the end,.

Tae- 15 

Author p.o.v

The pack is again in chaos, After Kim taehyung shift out of the unexpected attack. Some pack members feared of upcoming.

Alpha Namjoon insisted to leave the pack if anyone feels insecure, but the members stayed protesting his idea. Wolfs are always loyal to their pack. Soon every pack started to arrange tight security surround. Some packs got shifted to another place.

The fox king is no more, So the community sent a request to the Alpha King of werewolves, Namjoon accepted their request and let them stay in his pack as a part, so they belong to the blood moon pack now. Most of the Important is Councils made a decision,

They decided to get to know more about the rouges who attacked out of nowhere, and they have to be in control. but poor them that old hag's didn't know Him, and his blood thirst.

They arranged an emergency meeting.

And that's where the whole chaos started against each other.,

| The Council Room |

The officials sat there at their respective seats as the members joined too,

" We the officials are here for an announcement, and the decision should be made right away," The higher official said while everyone agreed to it,

" Your majesty Wolf king, Alpha Namjoon. you are royal blood, there are rumors that He is back do have any conclusions at this " The Vampire king said eyeing Namjoon cunningly

" As per my knowledge yes I believe but not for only one reason," Namjoon said briefly while officials noted the point

" Sir, can I know the reason for mentioning him here at this point to be clear, Vampire king, " The dragon king asked.

" Well same blood can do wonders but both are opposites maybe who know he was helping him in this blo-

" Not a word, I declare that I am not going to back off. If anyone wants to join they can if they don't want to simply stay back. " Saying this Namjoon left the council.

" What a rude attitude"

" He is right though shut up and dismiss "


" Eomma can I go out for a while to pick up Rosie's, " Jungkook asked jumping up. and down.

" Take Milli with you too," Jennie said kissing his cheeks.

" I will eomma thank you " saying this Jungkook left

" Stay safe, return soon baby " Jackson shouted from the lawn.




" Hey Millie come out let's go out into the woods for a while I am Missing Rosie's " kook shouted from outside.

" Sorry but I can't eomma is not allowing me to, " Milli said hugging him.

" Oh ok then don't worry bye " mumbling this he went off with a mood off



Being bored and restricted to go out he is way too much bored. So he went to play with Ji-ah.

All are busy.

Suga and J-hope, his mate are busy in pack training.

And most of the wonderful thing is, that his wolf can talk to him. And he ended up naming Taehyung Wolf as Wolfie.

Jin is struggling with Ji-ah taking care of her along with Jennie is a big task for him.

Jennie is 3 months pregnant, and Jackson is having a hard time dealing with her mood swings.

And kook doesn't want to stress his mother more.

And he has witnessed his father struggle to handle her. Jackson went on edged of death seeing her struggling to eat and throwing up always.

On the other side :

" My king, that which is not following your rules "

" Kill her "

" But she is the-

" I don't care about anything just finish her, I am tired of everything soon I am going to get what I want. I don't need anyone's help "

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