chapter 11

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Magical time skip.
Tae 17 years.
Kook 15 years.

In these 2 years.

Many things took place, the council broke out. Supernaturals broke their ties with the council. Most of the rare species were dead because of the act of foolishness.

And this made their trust broken, witches were separated from everyone after the death of their queen. Some warlocks are still trying to break the death sleep chant.

The blood moon pack broke ties with everyone, after all, there were judged by the council that there will be big destruction if they still try to fight against the all-mighty.

Namjoon couldn't take their questioning eyes on the little pure soul so he cut it all one ago. In the meeting with every supernatural.

Foxes were washed out.

There is no leader to guide them either they want to follow a traitor.

So they joined the blood moon pack.

Warlocks joined the pack on the que, now everyone leaves in here peacefully.

But there is a kingdom falling apart from day to day.

The rogue's kings Are no more, the worrier ( kook stepdad) that has been assigned to bring the significant blood to the almighty is gone. He died miserably, because of the curse of the witch queen. And the result made her go into a death sleep. Everyone is aware of the situation and she saved it all once ago. And everyone is thankful for it, for her sacrifice.

The Dragon Kingdom is not any better after the war broke out between the supernaturals,

Half of the race died down miserably.

A complete loss.

The queen died giving birth to the Prince,

After the war.

There was no more enmity between them, and a lot of people tried to cope with it but the egos of the witch's gone far. They became heartless after facing the brutality of the council, being accused of the curse that has been chanted by the untouchables. ( Rogues)

Anyways '

Here at Blood moon pack.

" Taehyung-ah can you please bring Ji-ah from school, I have some pack work to attend on, " jin said patting Taehyung shoulder

" It's ok appa I will take care of her, you can go. " Taehyung said leaving to bring Ji-ah home.

She is 7 and half years old now, a complete fluff ball. And dada's princess to be known.

And likes to play with Mia ( daughter of Jennie and Jackson ). And loves Jungkook to peaks which makes tae jealous.

And the most important thing is Taehyung is latterly avoiding kook, well there is a particular reason though but it's unfair.

After turning 14 years jungkook changed. He became too pretty and much more like a doll to have seemed. Kook's hairs grew much and they have gained their specific color but not as normal, pure black hair with purple highlights. And he came to talk with his wolf but couldn't shift. Which made the elder's confused.

And probably it's become hard for Taehyung too. He became more manly and handsome.

His wolf is not being in control in the presence of the kook, he is crossing his limits.

And sexual desires are going high up rather than normal.

And this made Taehyung distance himself from his mate.

This act eventually made kook upset more, and his wolf always wants to talk with their mate but Taehyung is distancing himself making him more devasted.

The mate bond is much stronger in their situation they could read their emotions and inner feelings as well as thoughts too.

Today kook made up his mind that he will talk with his mate, however.

And currently, kook is talking with Ji-ah who came to meet him, after her school.

" Ji-ah you shouldn't have come here look now it's going to rain soon, and no one knows that you are here and my class will start soon baby "

" Don't worry kook I can take care of myself, dada said I am strong " Ji- ah said showing her muscles jumping up and down.

Making kook chuckle at her antics.

" Ok now tell me-' before kook can talk more a voice came over.

" Ji-ah what are you doing here " tae grumbled picking her up, while kook backed away.

" Oh Oppa I came to see my kookie baby," she said hugging tae who became stiff at the sight of jungkook blushing seeing him.

" Hey, kook- "

" Don't talk to me meanie " kook said leaving them.

" What happened kookie, what did you do this time Oppa " Ji- ah said jumping off.

" Ntg Ji-ah he is just upset I think,-'

" Well don't talk to me either, my baby is upset so I am, I am going to complain to dada" and then she ran off.

" Well alone again " a voice came from behind

" Not now midget, I am already having a hard time " tae said showing off his face aside.

" Poor baby,- Milli said ruffling his hair.

" Yah will you both come or stay with that meanie " jungkook yelled at Jimin and Milli who are baffled by his anger.

" You fucked up buddy, ok see you later at the crying session," Jimin said running along with Milli.

' dumbass, he is angry with us again and it's because of you ' V ( tae wolf growled )

' oh here we go, dipshit it's all because of your hormones, don't you dare to poke me '

Tae shut his wolf up and went towards the pack office where Ji-ah ran off.

At pack office :

" There we go look who came to meet his father, soon-to-be alpha king Kim Taehyung," Namjoon said grunting at Taehyung while Ji-ah is busy poking his dimples.

" Daddy you too now, please stop I am already tired-"

" Tried of what ignoring your mate, even though you have busy schedules you have to make some time and catch up with him tae, look how he is upset because of your behavior"

" Dad it's not the reason listen to me-

" Don't cut me off tae, I had seen enough. Jackson too cried looking at him suffering like that,-

" Dad please stop, I can't anymore. I have a reason for avoiding him. I am getting too hard and my sexual desires are getting high around him. And a mere Sight of him making me feel peace but my fool wolf is not controlling itself and I am aware of my situation and If I keep crossing limits it will make more troubles so I decided to stay away from him that's it " he rambled over not being aware that Jackson is present there too.

" Unholy child, oh god I have to wash my ears. Don't tell me you tried to touch him. My baby~"

" Nothing like happened like that father-in-law, " tae said going out and Jackson following him.

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