chapter 29

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Everyone is busy, running towards the pack hospital Jin gripped Kooks hand tight until Jungkook stopped in his tracks making them stop in their tracks, Mia came from behind with jennie who stopped in there tacks too, " Kook what- " Jennie got cut of by jin " His eyes are different,-golden oh my gosh."


North tertiary of blood moon pack :

" I think you need to take a break." Yoongi said, holding jimin who is limping, holding his head, and his voice was stiff.
"oppa, I think you need to take him to the hospital. Hurry up! " Milli's voice broke their tension and a wolf came towards them which Milli dodged off using her sword, Soon kai came in his wolf form and helped yoonmin couple getting out of their " Something is going wrong, I can't use my powers- " jimin said but he fainted in middle making Yoongi growl in anger, While Kai led them,...
On the other side~
Taehyung howled out loud gripping his head turning into his wolf form and he started attacking ripping everything that came in his way and in a few min Namjoon joined and controlled him before he could turn into his beast form, and then Jackson yell broke as he finished bunch of wolves taking them down, " Black werewolfs are around the boundary, get ready with more weapons " which made Namjoon truck his thoughts, but soon shrugged it off and started taking everyone down around him, before the black wolfs could cross the line a golden barrier formed which made itself shine in the daylight which the one who touched it burned in fire, everyone were shocked and no one made a move, while Taehyung formed back to his human form, while the tattoo on his black glowed like it could rip of trough his dress, he turned around to see kook coming towards him with a smile on, which made everyone stop in their tracks, while Taehyung was burning in anger, talking long strides Taehyung reached kook, before he could speak kook pulled out a sharp knife and pointed on Taehyung's chest, everyone around them gasped in horror, while Taehyung just smirked folding his hands behind,
" Kook, what are you doing?" Ji-ah spoke as she couldn't believe what she was seeing, while Kook pointed the knife more sharply near Taehyungs heart and spoke
" Well, I am his mate, doesn't that mean his heart belongs to me. So i am taking it. " When guards tried to come forward,but Taehyung glared at tham and growled, and they stopped in their tacks,
" A scratch on him, I will make sure you all burn and die in the most painful way." It was enough of everyone to tremble in fear except the one who is pointing knife on his heart.
Namjoon spoke, "That's not our kook, son. "
" I know, dad. I know who is hiding behind that pretty face." They spoke through mind link.
And then before kook can stab into his chest Taehyung spoke " I didn't expected you to go so low uncle, you know even though its our fav game to play, but I am angry that you are using my mate face." his words washed off the smirk on Kook's face, while Taehyung and Jackson watched the show sitting near a tree while the young wolfs looked confused,
" Looks like I got caught again!" The voice changed as the person in front of Taehyung changed into himself, and spoke," It's been a while, Taehyung-ah, I wanted to pay a vist." Smiling a little while Namjoon growle. " Who the hell told you to go then, I thought you won't ever come back again. Why are you here, bastard?" making Taehyung and Jackson fuse,
" Well, it looks like someone missed me so much by that tone." he said, raising his eyebrow.
while Taehyung just shrugged and engulfed him into a hug." There we go, isn't it great. Yah Kim Taehyung, I am your father, is that bastard more important than me- Look, you don't even- why I am speaking to you, knowing that at the end you will be his side, Yah Jeon ha-Joon, I swear I will kill you. " Namjoon rambled over being jelly , while Jackson is laughing on the floor,
I spoke, getting up
" Everyone back to work now." Using his beta voice and everyone eventually went off, while Taehyung was still hugging him,
" let's go and get healed first, after that stick to him like a leeach again " Namjoon dragged Taehyung away glaring at Ha-Joon who just raised his hands in surrender, while Jackson followed them, with Ha-joon
" He didn't change at all, still same, how things are going around, how is my son." He spoke low, not able to bare his heart heavyness,
" I knew it when jennie said she got a dream of you getting back but I didn't think it will be this soon, and about your son, he doesn't even know who you are and he resembles her more than you, and everything is going well, but it's hard to accept the truth." Jackson spoke as they made their way to pack the hospital. Before they could enter, Yoongi ran towards Taehyung and pinned him to the ground and growled
" How dare you, to get Kook pregnant this soon idiot. " Everyone's eyes went wide hearing him, while Taehyung just smirked in victory while Ha-Joon limpped on Jackson
" My son is p-pregnant, Yah Kim Taehyung, what I learnt you when you were young."
" Well, you didn't learnt him how to control his horses idiot." Namjoon replied while he just nodded in daze..

I know you guys are confused. Let me explain everything you in next chapter

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