A Brother eye

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What Earthlings recognized as the North Star was located at ~300 light-years away from Earth. But what very few people on Earth knew was that Polaris System was also the birthplace of the Thanagar Empire, one of the most technologically-advanced civilisations in the galaxy. When it came to interstellar distances, 300 light-years was considered very short - after all, just Milky Way alone was more than 100,000 light-years across. With that said, when Naruto input the coordinates to trigger the space-warp, he knew that their journey was going to be very short, hence also why he had told Wonder Woman he would be back in 2-3 days tops.

"Something on your mind, Kurama?" Naruto asked without looking at the fox curled up on the co-pilot's seat. Instead, he stared at the spectacle of grey, white and black lights that could be seen through the cockpit's window, as they travelled through the wormhole.

When the fox didn't reply, he said bluntly:

"Are you bothered by Diana?"

"Why would I be bothered by her?" Kyuubi said and opened just one of his eyes to look at him briefly before closing it again, looking as if he was sleeping.

"I don't know, man. You've been distant as of late. Sometimes we don't see you for days. You've even stopped pestering me for food like you normally do. You're acting weird."

"That's what worries you? That I don't eat?" the fox said with a chuckle.

"There's something on your mind and I know it. Even Diana noticed it and she hasn't known you for as long as I do."

A momentary silence instilled.

"I just want you to know that you don't have to feel like you're the 3rd wheel or something. You're the most important person in my life, even more than her. We're brothers for life, Kurama."

"Look at you getting all mushy and sentimental." Kyuubi jeered but Naruto who had known the fox for over a century recognized that he was embarrassed. "I'm telling you it's not about Diana! Who was the one that liked her from the beginning? Try to remember. It was me!"

When he heard his words, Naruto realized that his worries were for nothing.

'He's right, I used to tease him about his infatuation with her belly rubs. He liked her even before me... Come to think of it, didn't he act like a wingman for us? Kurama, the matchmaker.'

He chuckled to himself at that thought.

"Then what's wrong with you?"

Kyuubi looked like he was debating whether to tell him or not.

"I-, ..."

"Oh come on already, spit it out!" Naruto said, getting annoyed at how the fox kept beating around the bush.

"I'm hearing voices." the fox eventually said, a look of defeat on his face.

Naruto looked at him as if to make sure the fox was not messing with him.

"Are you for real?"

"I don't know what's going on either, ok?" Kyuubi said in frustration.

"Maybe you're finally going nuts? I mean I wouldn't be so surprised when I look at your age." Naruto said jokingly.

"That's exactly why I didn't wanna tell you! I knew you'd laugh!" the fox shouted.

"Alright, alright, sorry." Naruto raised his hands and apologised.

"It started a few months ago. At first, it happened rarely, once in a while. But it's gotten worse as of late. Now, whenever I'm awake, I hear broken parts of sentences, from multiple voices at the same time and I can't understand what they're saying. It's like a constant buzz in my head."

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