Life and Death battle

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"Superman, no! Fight against it!" she shouted.

But the Kryptonian was too far gone. His eyes were bloodshot, veins were pulsating like small snakes on his temples and a crimson light burned around his eyes, ready to blast a beam as hot as the sun at any moment. An enraged scream came out of his chest and he lunged at her filled with bloodlust. He was not seeing a white and gold-armoured Amazon. In his eyes, she was Darkseid, the one who had just murdered everyone that he had ever cared about.

He screamed his parents' names. Supergirl's name. He was mad with rage. Both of his hands clenched around her neck and the building's upper floors collapsed as he smashed his way through them with Wonder Woman headfirst against them.

He pierced through the atmosphere at a speed that made the air explode with ear-deafening booms behind them. In but a second, the Earth became tiny under their feet. He was holding nothing back. In his madness, he was going to throw her into the Sun.

Her hands clenched around his wrists, struggling with all her strength to free herself from his grasp. But he was too powerful. And the closer they got to the sun, the stronger he became.

Still screaming at her, Superman's eyes became crimson red and the skin on her face started to burn and peel off as his heat beams bore into her flesh. She felt her bones melting.

She clenched her hands around his head and her thumbs dug into his eyes, making his heat vision explode into his eyes. He shouted in pain and the agony made him let go of her.

'Hermes, give me speed!' she prayed as she plunged back towards the Earth which looked like nothing but a small marble from how far away it was.

They were in space. She couldn't breathe. She was running out of air. She had to go back into Earth's atmosphere as fast as possible.

The vacuum of space did not hinder her speed. There was no air to create friction. She flew faster than spaceships, faster than she had ever flown in her life. In the blink of an eye, she reached the exosphere of the planet. Hope grew in her heart.

But she celebrated too early. Oozing a murderous spirit and with his body filled with yellow radiation from his previous proximity to the Sun, the Kryptonian's vicious punch smashed into the face with the force of a star.

Red crystals appeared in space as the blood that burst out from her mouth was instantly frozen in space. She blacked out for a moment.

In that moment of unconsciousness, Maxwell Lord's face flashed in her mind. He was looking at her from above, smirking smugly and gloating at her defeat. But the heat of the thermosphere brought her back when her body reentered the planet's atmosphere. However, it was too late for her to stop her descent.

A cataclysmic shockwave cleared the sky of clouds for dozens of miles when she smashed into a mountain. The rocks caved in as if they were mud and an enormous crater was formed into the side of the mountain as if a bomb had exploded in it. At the centre of it, Wonder Woman laid unmoving, seemingly dead, her body still burning.

"This is what happens when the gods fight, Brother, do you understand? Mortals suffer." Maxwell Lord said.

He was speaking to a device that he was holding in his hand. It looked almost like a cellphone. On its screen, there was only the simple image of an eye.

"Clarify." a robotic voice came from the device. It was Brother Eye, the AI that Batman had created and Maxwell controlled now.

"Fortunately, she had fallen into a deserted area, into the mountains, in Chile. Can you imagine the devastation if she had come down in a city like Metropolis, Tokyo or Moscow? The catastrophic loss of life? These people are in control of humanity's destiny, Brother, and this is why they must be eliminated. Look at him." Maxwell said and gestured towards the screen that was playing the live footage of Superman's and Wonder Woman's fight.

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