Chapter 1

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Ivy Diaz


I hate Monday's.

I had the best weekend and now my mood is ruined all because I have to go to school.

Rolling out of bed I stumble my way to the shower.

I wash my body and face but not my hair since I did that last night.

Plus it would take hours to dry.

When I get out I dry myself and get dressed.

If you don't like it imagine something else

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If you don't like it imagine something else

After that, I brush my teeth and run my fingers through my hair.

If I brush it it'll go frizzy.

I quickly apply some brow gel, mascara, concealer, blush and lipgloss before grabbing my phone and heading downstairs.

"Hey sweetie" my ma smiles as I walk into the kitchen.

"Morning ma"

"I made you a smoothie" she says sliding the cup across the counter to me.


"Good Morning my two favourite people!" My mama says walking into the kitchen, carrying the family dog with her.

"Morning mama"

"Morning love" ma smiles, pulling her in for a hug and kiss.

"Well I gotta get going before I'm late" I speak up.

They turn to me and say their goodbyes as I give the dog a kiss on the head and hug my parents.

I slip my converse on before heading out the door with my skateboard.

15 minutes later and I arrive at school.

Just in time as the bell rings.

I get to English class and make my way to the back corner where my friends are sitting.

Rosie, Charlotte, Stella, Jason, and Karl.

"Hey guys" I mumble taking a seat.

"Hey" the girls smile while the boys just nod.

I pull out my AirPods only putting one in so I can still hear the teacher that has just walked in.

I play 'Church' by Chase Atlantic.

I rest my head on the table and close my eyes.

Everything the teacher is talking about is very useless.

About 10-15 minutes later I'm startled by yelling.

I lift my head to see the teacher yelling at someone that just walked in late.


Everyone starts whispering to each other about her and try to stifle their laughs.

Including my friends.

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