Chapter 5

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Y'all I just dyed my hair red with the underneath layer black!!!! Okay you can read now.

Ivy Diaz

She lied.

I in fact did not see her 'tomorrow'

Or the next day.

Or today....Saturday.

She's not answering her phone and I've never been more worried.

If only I knew where she lived.

I think for a few seconds before I decide to try something that most likely won't work.

"Hey mama! Can I borrow your car!?"
I shout as I'm downstairs and she's upstairs.

"Sure darling!"

I grab the keys and walk outside.

I'm probably wasting my time doing this.

I drive all the way to south side and go to the nearest person I see.

"Hey, odd question but do you happen to know a Kai Ramirez?" I ask the man.

"Nah sorry dude"

"That's fine"

I'm gonna keep asking until someone says yes.

It's the south side, someone has got to know her.

"Hi you don't happen to know a person named Kai Ramirez do you?" I ask the 20 year old looking guy.

"What do you want with Kai?" He asks looking me
Up and down.

"Wait so you know her?"

"Yeah I know her, wachu want with her?"

"I need to find out where she lives I'm a friend of hers" I explain.

"A friend but you don't know where she lives?"

I sigh, "what if I show you a photo of us together?"

"Yeah alright"

I show the photo which is also the only photo I have of us.

"Ight her address is ****"

"Thank you so much, I really appreciate it"

I get back in the car and drive there.

When I arrive I pull up to an apartment building that looks...old.

I walk up 3 flights of stairs before coming across door 14.

Her apartment.

Fuck what if she's mad at me when she sees me?

Or even worse...what if her dad is here?

I slowly raise my fist and knock 3 times.

No answer.

I knock again.

Still no answer.

I go to turn around but the door opening makes me look up.

"Ivy? What the fuck are you doing here?" Kai asks in shock.

"I was worried about you"

"How'd you even know where I live?"

"I Uh-that's not important"

"Not importa-"

"Why haven't you been at school or answered any of my texts and calls?" I cut her off.

"May or may not have been unconscious" she replies as if that's normal.

"I'm sorry, what!?"

She sighs, "I got into a fight with dad...didn't end well"

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