Dress - Sam

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Character - Sam
Type - First kiss
Word count - 504

I curse loudly as I try to zip up my dress. It's on the back so I can't see what I'm doing. I think it might be broken.

"What's the matter?" Sam calls from outside my door.

"I can't do this stupid dress up!"

"Well, hurry! You know that witch is gonna be at the party, and they'll be more attention on us if we're late!" Dean complains.

I peek my head around the door. "Sam, help me." I hiss, with genuine stress in my voice.

"Er, Dean can do it, I-" he says, flustered. I grab him by the shirt and let the door swing closed.

I turn around and wait. I hear a sigh before feeling his cold hands brush against the small of my back. He zips it up slowly and I feel him link the small fasten at the top. "Thanks, Sam." I turn around, smiling, but Sam looks almost scared. Embarrassed. My heart skips a beat.

I sit on my bed and slip on my high heels. I've never worn them before, and pray silently that they're not too hard to walk in. "How do I look?"

"Gorgeous, as always." Sam smiles kindly and I do a little twirl. I step over to him and feel like a deer learning to walk. I stumble and fall right into him.

But Sam's like a steady brick wall, catching me without even wobbling. I look up into his eyes, acutely aware that our bodies are pressed together. "Sorry."

I try to pull myself away but Sam doesn't loosen his hold on my waist. "Sam?"

I see his Adam's apple bob as he swallows - hard. He licks his lips subtly before asking me in a hushed tone, "Can I kiss you?"

I blink. His hands pull me in, closing the gap between us. I can't believe it. "Yes," I breathe, and then his lips are on mine. He kisses me with passion, desperation, as if he's been dreaming of doing this. I comb his hair with my fingers, and he kisses my neck.

I hear Dean shout my name, "We need to go! I'm coming in!"

Sam and I jump away from each other just as Dean slams the door open. He looks at me, then at Sam, then back at me. It would be almost comical in any other situation. I see something in his brain click.

"Really? Come on!"

"How did he...?" Sam questions me and I smirk. His messy hair and swollen lips would be my best guess.

"Sammy!" Dean says sharply, and the two brothers leave my room.

I wait a beat before following them out and hear Dean tell Sam, "You know I was rooting for you two to get together, but now? There's a time and a place, Sammy!"

I join the boys and we all get in the Impala - Sam even opens the door for me which is really sweet. I don't miss Dean's eyeroll as he turns on the engine and we speed off into the night.  

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