Comfort Show - Sam

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Character: Sam 
Type: Fluff
Word Count: 400
Y/F/S = your favourite show 

You switch off the tv and the flood gates open. What were you supposed to do after finishing the finale of your comfort show? And why did it have to end so sadly?!

You sniff and blow your nose, grateful the boys were out hunting so they wouldn't see you sobbing over a television programme. Just as the thought crosses your mind, you hear the click of a door unlocking and the patter of footsteps. 

With no time to compose yourself at all, Sam opens the door to your bedroom with a cute smile on his face. 

"Hey, babe. We're back! Wait. What's wrong?" He rushes over to you, which makes you laugh quietly. 

"I'm fine," you tell him as you wipe away the last of your teardrops. 

"You're crying," he states the obvious, brushing your cheek with the pad of his thumb. You smile and lean into his touch. 

"It's stupid. I finished Y/F/S and it made me sad that it's all over."

"Oh, that sucks. But it's not stupid." Sam kisses your forehead tenderly causing you to blush. Despite going out with the Winchester for years, he's still able to make butterflies swarm in your stomach. 

"Hey," Sam says, "You can just restart the show and watch it with me!"

"Are you serious?" you perk up - the show is really special to you, and the thought of sharing it with Sam makes your heart happy. "Do you really want to watch it?"

"Yeah. I mean - you like it so much, why won't I?"

You smirk - "I can't wait. But maybe we can start in a few days, I still need some time to recover."

Sam smiles and it lights up the whole room. "Sure." 

You pull him into a hug which he returns, his arms strong and comforting. 

When he pulls away, you notice a smirk tugging on his lips. 

"What?" you raise an eyebrow.

"Is that my shirt?" 

You look down and realise that, yes, you're wearing one of Sam's oversized flannels. "Maybe." They're just so comfy, and they smell like your boyfriend.

Sam looks pleased as he nods and gets up. "Well, that's adorable. Anyway, I'm starving. Do you want anything?"

"I'm good," you respond, "Don't be long."

"I'll only be a minute," he promises, kissing your hand before leaving. 

Inspired by the fact I'm about to finish Buffy the Vampire Slayer (the best show ever 10/10 recommend)! Thanks for reading, I really appreciate it lolz <3
Have a wonderful day :)
Update: I finished it and it was amazing. We are slayers, every one of us. 

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