Rain - Dean

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Character: Dean
Type: Fluff
Word count: 515

The weather in whatever state we're in is 'total crap'. According to my boyfriend, Dean, at least.

I, however, love the rain.

Sure, sometimes I prefer just watching it from the comfort of the indoors, but it's not so bad to get caught in - dance in, even.

"I hate this." Dean states plainly, pulling his brown leather jacket further over his head.

"You're a drama queen," I laugh at the pout on his face. We're walking back to the Impala from a pretty easy hunt. Sam waited in the car and kept lookout. It went smoothly though, except for the downpour.

I look up at the pinpricks of stars that litter the darkened sky and I inhale the fresh, night air deeply. Raindrops splatter across my face and dampen my hair, but I couldn't care less.

Dean stays unimpressed, speeding up his pace. 

"Dean!" I shout after him, running. I overtake him and spin around with my arms out. Dean stops as I block his path. "Come on, you've never danced in the rain?" I ask, gesturing for him to take my hands. 

His eyes are icy and cold. "Fine." I mutter, dancing on my own. Am I the best dancer ever? Nope. But is it fun? Hell yeah.

I twirl, I stumble, I swing my arms up and around. I lose my balance and bump into Dean. When my vision stops spinning, Dean's smiling face comes into focus. I beam back at him and grab his hands. 

I guide his body and soon we're both (very badly) dancing in the rain. He steps on my foot, and I burst out giggling, while he apologises profusely. Our bodies press closer; the only music we need are our laughs. 

Dean leans down and kisses me. I kiss back, running a hand through his wet hair. "Come on, we better get back to Sammy." Dean says. 

Sam drives us back to the motel, allowing Dean and I to cuddle up close in the back of the car. Now that I'm out of the rain, and the adrenaline from the hunt has faded, I feel distinctively colder. 

---------The Next Morning---------

"Morning," I mumble sleepily, reaching out blindly until I feel Dean's soft pyjama top. My head feels foggy and my nose itches, as if wanting to sneeze. 

"Hey," his morning voice is deep, and he sniffs, "I think I got a cold from last night,"

"Same." I sigh sadly, "I'm sorry for making you-"

"No," Dean cuts me off, "No. It was fun. You were so cute and the whole thing just reminded me of how much I love you. Even if you're the biggest dork ever." 

"You know what this means..." I smile, resting my head on Dean's chest. When he doesn't reply, I conclude: "We get to stay in bed all day and cuddle."

Dean mutters something about needing to work, "Nope!" I interrupt, "You said it yourself, you're sick. We can afford a day off."

Dean wraps his arms around me and places a kiss on my forehead. I smile and relax. 

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