Kiss me - Dean

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Character - Dean
Type - ??
Word count - 418

"Kiss me."

"Come again?"

"Kiss me." I repeat, stronger this time. "The vampires we've been not-so-subtly hunting have just walked in. If they see us, we're dead. Kiss me." I explain, quickly and robotically.

I spy Sam from across the nightclub, eyebrows knitted in concern. He turns towards the exit, and I take the opportunity to grab Dean's face.

We lock eyes and he kisses me. His lips are soft and gentle, as if trying to be as respectful as possible. I raise my hands to his shoulders and back him up against the wall. 

I break away a millimetre to whisper, "Are they gone?"

Dean's eyes are dark and intense. I watch them dart from the scene behind me, back to my face. He waits a beat before replying, "Yes."

He smashes his lips into mine again and I gasp at the sheer force and surprise of it. I kissed Dean as a distraction, but now he's kissing me because he wants to, because he needs to. There's always been something between us, but we've kept it restrained - for the sake of us working together. 

But now... his lips are on mine, and I can't think straight. His hands are roaming my waist and my self-control is non-existent. 

I feel someone brush past me and it pulls me out of the trance. I stare up at Dean, unable to keep the confusion out of my expression. He's breathing heavily, and gazes down to my hand on his chest.

I don't remember putting it there.

I look in his deep eyes, then down to his swollen lips, then back up. I see his jaw tense. 

He looks away, conflicted, before clearing his throat. "I can't keep pretending I feel nothing for you." 

His words are weighty, and I didn't expect to hear them here, in the middle of a random nightclub, during a hunt. 

I've fantasised about him confessing his feelings; it's always romantic, quiet, idyllic. 

I'm unprepared. My mind is blank. "I can't either." I manage to say after what feels like forever. 

I hear a deliberate cough from my right and turn to see Sam, wearing a boyish grin like a medal. "Sorry to interrupt something that is no doubt very interesting and life-changing, but I just saw those vampires follow a group of girls down a dark alleyway."

Dean and I exchanged worried and slightly embarrassed looks. Sam turns and we follow suit.

My smile is brighter than the sun - I'm so glad this finally happened. 

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