Did he just...? - Dean

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*inspired by a pin I saw on Pinterest hehe*

Character - Dean
Type - Fluff to Spice
Word Count - 876

Imagine: You and Dean are good friends but want more. One day, Sam gets tired of neither of you making a move. 

"Hey, either of you doing anything tomorrow night? Like, 8pm, tomorrow night?" Sam pipes up. 

"No...?" Dean says, confused.

"Nope." I say, without taking my eyes off the tv. 

"Great, because I'm really busy. You too go out without me. Enjoy your date." 

Sam struts smugly out of the room and Dean and I exchange glances. "Did he just..." I begin, confused.

"I think he did..." Dean laughs, running a hand through his hair. 

I sit up properly to face Dean. He looks at me, still with a disbelieving smile on his face. "Well... I've got nothing better to do..." Dean says casually.

"You know, that's not the compliment you think it is," I retort, folding my arms. 

"No! I mean, we could... hang out Friday if you want." he says sheepishly.

I crack a grin, "I was kidding, Dean. I'd love to hang with you Friday."


When Friday rolls around, I fret in front of my bedroom mirror. I want this to go perfectly - and step one is to feel confident. I smear some eyeshadow over my lids and apply some tinted lip balm. There's a faint knock on my door. 

"Hello?" I question.

"It's me," Sam opens the door ajar, "Dean's waiting outside by the car."

"Thanks," I call, the nervousness evident in my voice. I shake my head - calm down


The moon is high, and the night is chill as I make my way over to my date. 

Dean stares at me for a full ten seconds before blinking slowly. "You look amazing." 

"You don't look too bad, yourself." I shrug, smirking at his fake-offended expression. "So where are we going?" 

"You'll see," he says mysteriously, hopping into the car and turning the radio on. 

I smile. 


After an enjoyable carpool karaoke session, Dean pulls up into a mysterious looking field. "This is a cute place to be murdered," I remark, eyeing Dean suspiciously. 

He only smiles knowingly, getting out of the car and taking me by the hand. I stumble in my heels, struggling to keep up with his fast pace. "Dean!"

"Huh - Oh sorry, I'll slow down. I'm just excited."

I laugh, linking my arm through his. What are we doing here? 

We enter a gathering of trees, tall and willowy, and only the moon lights our path. 

"Ok, I'll admit, I'm getting a little nervous." I say, tugging on Dean's arm. "I-"

My complaint dies in my throat as I see some fluttering fairy lights ahead. We get closer and it all comes into view. There is a red picnic blanket strewn out over the mossy ground, a drinks cooler and artificial lights illuminating the enclosed space.

It's a secret.

Just for us. 

I came on this date thinking we'd just chill, get drunk maybe, but Dean has put some serious thought into this. Why... Oh shit.

I turn to Dean. His face is hopeful, eyes searching mine for approval. "Did you get Sam to set us up?" 

His face falls. He lets go of my hand to rub the back of his neck. "Maybe."

"Dean Winchester!" I say disbelievingly, hitting his chest lightly. "Why didn't you just ask me out?"

He laughs and blushes. He actually blushes. It's cute.

I sit myself down on the blanket and pry open the cooler. I take out two beers, offering one to Dean. I can almost smell the relief radiating off of him as he collapses next to me. He wraps an arm around me. 


"Stargazing." He whispers. 

He lies back and I do too, resting my head on his chest. His arms feel comforting and strong around me. I sigh contently, mesmerised by the little pinpricks of stars above. 

"Do you know any names of the constellations?" Dean asks me, stroking my hair.

I point at a random of string of stars. "Nope, but I think I'll call this one... man with a tiny leg."

Dean chuckles, "Okay, that one there," he points upwards, "That one's called Sammy, because it kinda looks like a moose."

"Oh my gosh, yeah! I can see the antlers!" I laugh. "That one there, you see it? That's us. It looks like two stick figures holding hands."

"Thats the cheesiest thing I've ever heard." Dean says.

"And you love it," I whisper into his ear. 

"Maybe," he smirks, propping himself up onto his elbow. He stares at me for a beat before asking in a low voice, "Can I kiss you?"

"Yes," I reply, almost too quickly. I've been waiting for this moment from the second I met him. I think he has too. I hope he has. 

His lips graze mine, soft and gentle. He touches my cheek and I grab his shirt, pulling him even closer. His other hand trials down to my stomach, he lifts the fabric of my shirt up a little. His cold hands on my skin make me gasp and Dean takes the opportunity to slip his tongue into my mouth. He lets out a guttural groan as his hands go higher, meeting my bra. I pull away breathlessly. 

"Dean..." I start.

"Y/n. God, you're so beautiful." And he's kissing me again. 

And I never want him to stop. 

Heyy, hope you're enjoying the imagines! Remember to vote, comment etc <3

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