Bloodlust - Sam

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Based on the Season 2 Episode, Bloodlust.
Character - Sam
Type - Forced Love Confession
Word count - 1058

"I'm gonna go back to the motel." Sam says tiredly.

He gets up and leaves, catching the keys Dean passive-aggressively throws at him with ease. 

This hunter, Gordon, we met on this trip has caused some tension between the two brothers. I think I'm missing something, because they both keep snapping at each other and stuff. Now Sam's left the bar, I have half the mind to follow him. 

I think Sam's shaken up by the vampire Dean beheaded earlier. 

"Is it something I said?" Gordon asks with fake innocence, and Dean reassures him that 'he just gets that way'. What has gotten into him?

"Hey guys," I interrupt, my chair screeching across the floor as I stand, "I'm gonna go back too, I think. The whole," I gesture wildly with my hands, "'Beheading thing' has left me a little queasy."

"Ok," Dean says casually, "Sleep well."

"I'll try," I respond, trying my best to keep the annoyance out of my voice. I find the motel room and knock on the door. 

"It's open." I can tell Sam is tense, simply by his tone.

"Hey, only me." I smile, shutting the door softly. "You okay?"

"Yeah," he sighs unconvincingly, "Just... that whole thing was vile."

"I agree," I sit beside him and can't think of what else to say. "Dean's being a dick."

Sam chuckles quietly and sadly, running his hand through his messy brown hair. He doesn't respond. Instead, he asks, "Fancy a soda? I saw a vending machine out front."

"Okay, sure. As long as they have cherry coke." We leave the room and approach the machine. Sam slots in a few coins and gets me my drink first.

"Thanks," I say, opening the can. It hisses like a snake, and I hold it at arm's length. Froth escapes and wasted soda trickles down my hands.

"You never learn," Sam says, amused. He clicks another button and collects his lemonade. 

I take a sip of my coke and watch Sam silently. "It's stupid to ask if you're okay, isn't it?"

He looks at me, with slight confusion. 

"With everything that's happened, and everything that's going to happen. It's not... Sometimes I think you and I are the only ones with working braincells."

"That's not entirely fair," Sam counters, defending his brother out of instinct, probably.

"You know what I mean though. You have to be rational for the both of you. Must be exhausting," I add, not meeting his gaze. 

"Skittles would really go with this soda," I think out loud. I nudge him.


"I gave you them in the car! Give 'em back!" 

Sam nudges me back, "I gave them to Dean."

"Seriously? You're gonna make me go back into that bar of bubbling testosterone?" 

He shrugs and laughs at my disgusted face. 

"I'll meet you back at the room in five. Loser."


It takes me ages to get back to the motel room. Dean somehow ropes me into helping him on a quiz machine. Gordon started lecturing me about 'the hunting lifestyle'. 

And after everything, Dean had eaten all my Skittles. 

Then, I had to buy some more from the little convenience store near the reception. 

The room is empty when I return. Sam probably went for a walk, got bored. I feel bad.

I turn on the staticky tv and flick through the channels. Nothing interesting. 

I brush my teeth and am about to take a shower when I hear the door slam open, followed by a pained groan. I rush out of the room and find Sam on his hands and knees in the doorway. 

"Sam?" I shout, running towards him. "Sam! What the hell -"

"I'm fine." He gets up and wipes his palms on his jeans. "Really. You're not gonna believe what just happened."


"Can I talk to you in private for a second?" Sam asks Dean, cocking his head at the door. Dean obliges, with a huff and an eye roll.

"What now Sammy?"

Sam explains the situation to Dean and I listen to the story again with my arms folded. Vampires that only feed off cattle blood captured Sam and let him go unharmed - begging him to leave them alone. Dean doesn't look nearly as perplexed as he should. "They're still evil!" Dean almost shouts.

"But they're not killing anyone. Hurting anyone. Look, they left me without a scratch, didn't they?"

Dean sighs and looks at me, "You've been quiet. What do you think?" he asks accusingly. 

I inhale sharply - Dean doesn't like being disagreed with. "I agree with Sam. They have a right to live as much as we do, if they're doing no harm. Let them feed from cows, and I'll let you keep eating hamburgers."

"Of course! Of course, you'd side with Sam!" Dean yells, shaking his head.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I challenge. 

"Don't think I don't know what's going on between you two. I see the way you look at him. You're just siding with Sam to earn your wannabe boyfriend's approval."

An offended gasp leaves my lips, "Excuse me? Excuse me?" I shout, unable to contain my anger or the blood rushing to my cheeks, "I agree with him because he's right!" 

I can't look at Sam when he speaks. "Dean, please. Listen to us."

"I'm going to that nest. I don't care if you two lovebirds come or not."

He turns and leaves, leaving Sam and I in an uncomfortable silence. I ram the heels of my palms into my eyes. I mutter a curse under my breath. Dean Winchester, I am going to kill you.

Sam utters my name and I lift my head. There's a question in his eyes. I tilt my head to the side, silently pleading him not to ask it. 

"Are you going to deny it?"

My jaw clenches. He stares. I shake my head. 

In a second, he steps closer to me, brushing a stray strand of hair from my face. He leans in and kisses me. I can't believe it. 

I kiss him back.

"I'm sorry you -" I start.


He kisses me again, deeper, stronger. I can hardly breathe when he pulls back and says, "I've wanted to do that for the longest time."

I beam up at him. He links his arm through mine, and we walk back to the room. "We better pack." he says.

"We're going with Dean?" I ask, raising an eyebrow.

"We're going to stop him." 

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