Hunting - Dean

755 4 0

Character - Dean
Type - Fluff
Word count - 316

"No-one is watching. Don't hold back. It's just me and you." 

Dean's voice gives me the confidence I need to take the shot and I send the arrow hurtling into the demon's throat. It looks around wildly for its assailant, before disappearing in a cloud of mist. I look at Dean with my eyes wide and happy. He gives me a high-five.

"That was awesome!" he congratulates.

I've never used a crossbow successfully before, and I feel so proud of myself. We emerge from the hiding spot and make our way back to the Impala. 

"That was stressful." I say, passing the weapon to Dean so I can wipe my sweaty palms on my jeans. "I think I need to lie down."

Dean smiles as he unlocks the car. I get in the passenger seat and shake the nerves out of my body. The adrenaline's still pumping.  

We drive back to the motel, the radio full blast, windows down. I love the smell of the night air. 

We pull up into the parking lot and walk slowly up to the room, hands intertwined. 

We quietly unlock the door and creep inside, careful not to wake Sam. We brush our teeth together and get into our pyjamas. Well, I do, and Dean just sleeps in some loose shorts. 

I crawl into bed, fatigue weighing me down. Dean slips under the covers beside me and whispers into my ear, "I love you."

I smile at his breath tickling my exposed neck. "Love you too," I turn to stare into his eyes for a bit. I usually do this before going to sleep. He kisses my forehead gently and I whisper, "Night." I close my eyes and shift to lie on my other side. I feel him inch closer, his body interlocking with mine. He whispers something else, but I don't hear because sleep overwhelms me. 

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